How Boboiboy meet ochobot

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Ok guys, now we are going to watch how boboiboy first meet ochobot.

"Ohh when I first meet ochobot" boboiboy said while chuckle a bit

"Hehe I remember when we first meet, right boboiboy?" Said ochobot


(Ok I will only take when tok aba is asking boboiboy to take care of the shop)

Tok aba: All right boboiboy, im heading out . Watch over the shop okay?..
Bbb: B-but, tok aba, I dont know what to do!
What if there a lot of customers!
Tok aba: Oh you will be fine.
Its not like they re aliens.. bye!
(as tok aba go leaving boboiboy at the shop)


Bbb: Easy for you to say, what if aliens do come. What then- (as probe take one of the cocoa tin) hah?
(as boboiboy watch at the cocoa closely)
hmm..(ignore it)

"Dey do you really just ignore that?!" Asked gooal to his best friend

"Ehehe yeah" boboiboy said as the other facepalm

Probe: Huh...that was a close one. (As he watch the eggplant at the board which is purple) ehh?!
(Then the knife start to cut the eggplant)
oh no! They eat purple aliens too?!
(as he run away and didn't realize that boboiboy saw him)

A laugh could be hear from the room

"Hahaha does probe think that we are going to eat him hahaha!" Said gopal who laugh at probe antics.

"Well Im scared that when it cut the eggplant which is a purple colour" said probe

"Haha you're a robot probe, how are we going to eat you when you're made out of steel." Yaya said while giggle a little

"Hmm... that's true" Probe said while adudu just sweatdrop at probe answer

Bbb: Huh?..
Hey theif! Come back!( while jump our of the counter to catch probe)
Probe: Don't eat me, I don't taste good! (Shout while run (flying) to the alley)
Bbb: (pants)
I'm doomed, Tok aba gonna kill me!

"Not really" said Tok aba

Bbb: wait, what was that thing?!
(As probe run (fly) to the spaceship)
Is that what I think it is?!.(Bbb hesistate at first but then he decide to go inside anyway)

"You just go inside there just to take a cocoa tin?!" Mechabot said at boboiboy

"Uhh yeah?" Boboiboy said while scratch his head

"Haih this kid is just like his father, stupid" mechabot said while face palm

Probe: I have successfully stolen the cocoa!
Adudu: Good..

Probe: thank you, I knew I-
(As he got hit by a cup from adudu)
Ouch! Wha-what did I do?
Adudu: You gave the wrong information!

Computer: The earthlings do not feed on green aliens. The green aliens we saw in the picture were actually vegetable.
(As boboiboy were seen to sneak in the spaceship)

Adudu: Oi, stop right there!

Bbb: Huh?!

"Oh, I didn't know that he actually there when I said that" said adudu

"Eh you dont know he was there? Then who were you talking to?" Asked ying

"I said that to probe" said adudu

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