Boboiboy Fight (3)

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( Ok so this one I will do Boboiboy vs Captain Vargoba and Bobiboy vs Retak'ka )

Ok guys are you done eating?


Ok, now we are going to watch boboiboy vs Captain Vargoba and next one we are going to react to Boboiboy vs Retak'ka

Ok start reacting now

C. Vargoba: (laugh) my pirates armada will be here soon. We will plunder and loot every power sphera you have, and there is nothing you can stop C. Vargoba!
Fang: No! We won't let you lay a finger on any of these power sphera!
Ying: He right! Let's work together and stop him boboiboy!
(All of his friend are injured but they still can stand)

"You guys are really strong as a team to stop C. Vargoba" said amato

"Hehe, thanks admiral amato!" Kokotiam said in unison while doing a tapops salute

Ying: We're stronger when we work together.
Gopal: Uh Im not much use here-uhh!
C. Papa: Oh no no, what are you waiting for, this is your time to shine! Get in line!
(As C. Papa push gopal to the front line)
C. Vargoba: (laugh) I admit your fighting spirit is commendable, however that does not change the fact that you are nothing but a mere insect to me!
Bbb: I- I have to make up for the mistake I made!(as he rush to C. Vargoba)
Fang: Don't rush in by yourself boboiboy!
Ying: We need to help him! Hurry!

"Why did you rush in by yourself boboiboy?" Asked amato and tok aba

"(Huff) that is one of boboiboy habit, reckless" said fang

"Huh, what do you mean?" They asked

"Boboiboy is always reckless, because of that, he always get himself into danger" yaya said

"Yalo, he always protect the other who in danger and doesn't care if he will get hurt" Ying said as the other nodded

"Dey not just that, he always helped the other even tho he tired or sick, he always help those in danger not caring about himself" this one is gopal who said it.

"And he help the other in danger, doesn't care if their a villain or not, like adudu. Remember when adudu get attacked by ejojo even tho adudu is his enemy, and he even helped adudu collected money to save probe. He always help them no matter what they did to us" as ochobot countinued to explain

The tapops and tempur-a member are shock of what the team just explain to them that boboiboy is kind hearted

"Oh and I remember when he was passed out for five day after this fight, he still want to help the other with a mission or cleaning after a day he wakes up" said Commander kokochi

"Wait he passed out for five days!!" Shout amato, tok aba and mechabot

"Yes" kokochi replied

" why didnt you guys tell me about this?" Asked tok aba

"I dont want you to worry you tok" said bbb

"Wait you help the the other after you wake up and not rest?!" Said his friend

"Uhh.. yeah" said boboiboy while sweatdrop

The elemental are shock of what they just heard and worried for they master health. Tho they are proud to have Boboiboy as they master as he use them for good

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