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"..." : Talking
'...' : Thought
..... : Normal speech

(Boboiboy POV)


'Wait that voice' as I look at where that voice came from..
"Dad" as I look at a certain someone.. and that someone is none other than my father..
"DAD!!" I shout and run to my father who I haven't see for 6 years (is it correct or not I don't really remember how long actually is, if it's not correct then please tell me 😔) just then I hug him and not letting go

"Ehem! is he the only one you miss and not me" said mechabot with a fake sad face
(Ahahaha poor mechabot he have been forgotten 🤣😂)

"Ehehe,sorry mechabot and I miss you too! It's been a long time since we last meet each other." I said with a really happy face.

(End of Boboiboy POV)

The other just sit there because they are to shock from what just happen

"EHH! His your Dad!!" Said the other ..
"Aren't you the legendary Armoured Hero!!" Said the Kokotiam Gang except Gopal and Boboiboy

"Yes I am" said tomato- ehh I mean Amato (or should I say Bapak Berdikari)

"Huh? What-" said Boboiboy and Gopal

Just before boboiboy wants to ask something Commander Kokochi come at us and do a salute tapopos to Amato and said "Hello Admiral Amato"

"HUH? ADMIRAL!?! exclaim both Boboiboy and Gopal

"Dad your an Admiral?!"
"Why did you never tell me?"
"I thought you work as an ambassdor?"asked Boboiboy with so many question that he asked to his father
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you because you will be in danger if my enemy knew about you, so that why I never tell you."said Amato with a sad face.
"So if you work here does that mean mom is working here too?"asked Boboiboy.
"Yes..." just then


"Ouch!" Exclaim Amato as he got hurt by Tok aba
"That what you get for not visiting your father for years"said Tok aba with an angry face
"I'm sorry Aba!"
"Hehehe Terbaik!"said Boboiboy 👍🏻

"Time ups so are you done with your reunion"


"Now it's time for you to react!" said the voice

~To Be Countinued~

Boboiboy reaction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now