So naïve

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I woke up to a slight purring sound, and opened my eyes to see Pacey's head parallel to mine. His breath was soft and calm, but each inhale had a small snore at the end of it. My hand was still in his. Then, gradually as the rest of my body began to wake I was overcome with an aching feeling all over my body, must've been all that dancing. My stirring also woke Pacey and he lifted up a hand to stroke my face before leaning in to kiss me. I pushed his face away.
'No we've got morning breath! Plus I didn't even brush my teeth last night.'
'Oh fine, fine!' He said and kissed my forehead instead.
'Pace, you slept all night on that chair! Why didn't you come onto the bed or use the couch?'
'Well I wanted to be close to you, but I didn't want to overstep. We haven't set those kind of boundaries yet and you were so tired it didn't feel like the right time.'
I smiled at him and gently ruffled his hair, 'You know that you are the sweetest boy I've ever met right?'
'Oh well I do try Miss Y/L/N!' He giggled.

He helped me up and out of my dress and turned the shower on all ready for me. I came out dressed in sweats to the smell of fresh coffee and croissants.
'Pace! How did you manage to get those?'
'I snuck out to the bakery while you were in the shower Honey. Thought you might like them.'
'Oh Pacey it's perfect! Did I ever tell you how glad I am to have you in my life Mr Witter?'
'And I'm grateful for such the most beautiful soul, you my dear.'
We cuddled together on the couch and watched cartoons on the kids channel, tearing off pieces of our croissants and placing them delicately in each other's mouths.

Later that afternoon:

I decided to finally get round to the grocery shopping , and I asked along Jen. Seeing her, even as part of the group, at prom made me realise that I missed her. I also felt guilty, like I'd neglected her as a friend when all the stuff with Joey kicked off. Being out of Dawson and Joey's good graces only made me understand how she must be feeling that much better. We walked round to Capeside market and started ticking items off the shopping list.
'I'm so sorry I haven't been around for you Jen. You stuck by me with the whole Dawson/Joey feud and I shouldn't have taken that for granted. And then I just got all swept up with me and Pacey, which I know is no excuse.'
'Honestly Y/N, please don't apologise! I know that life gets crazy sometimes and that's completely fine. And I'm insanely happy for you and Pacey!'
I wrapped her in a huge hug, the corner of my shopping basket was digging into both of our ribs, but it didn't matter.
' about we talk about you and that guy at prom, huh? What was his name again...Johnny?'
'Oh yes I forgot to tell you that we're dating now! Doing it long distance, which is a first for me. It might be just what I need to get away from being caught up on all that physical stuff.'
'Ahhh that's amazing Jen!'

I heard a familiar voice as we came to the next aisle and saw Pacey there with Dawson. I was about to run over and hug him from behind when I saw Pacey holding up a pack of condoms between the two of them. I ducked back behind the end of the aisle and held Jen back by the shoulder.
'These are the ones: ribbed!' Pacey laughed.
'So, you and Y/N then? Must be getting serious, I've never seen you so smitten Pacey.'
'You've got that right Dawson, my friend. Indeed I am!'
I felt the rage boiling up inside of me. It was all just a big innocent act this morning then. He doesn't care that I'm not ready, he just wanted to tell me what I wanted to hear.
I dropped my basket on the floor and it landed with a loud clatter making the two boys look towards me as I marched over.

'PACEY WITTER! I refuse to be treated like a piece of meat or like I'm so naïve! I really believed all that rubbish you spouted to me this morning, but it was just part of a little routine!' My vision began to blur through the tears, 'I can't do this Pacey!'
I ran out of the store, away from his shouts.
'Y/N please! You've got it wrong! Y/N!'

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