Story time

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Pacey walked me up the porch steps and to the door, he went to let go of my arm, but I held tightly to his, signalling I wanted him to come in. He followed my implied instruction and I guided him to the sofa in the living room area. Then we sat, not needed to speak. Just holding close and feeling the comfort of eachother's presence. Slowly, then all at once, my eyes grew heavy and I fell asleep, the corners of my mouth still pricked up in a little smile. Pacey noticed I was asleep, with my breaths getting slower and deeper. He scooped me up in his arms and carried my through in my bedroom, laying me down gently. Then he pulled the duvet to wrap around me, stroked a strand of hair out of my eyes and tip-toed from the room.

The next morning:

My eyes flickered open and I felt all muddled at first. I couldn't recall how I gotten to bed in my normal clothes for a few seconds, then it came flooding back to me. I sat up and propped pillows up behind my back and rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. Taking a deep breath, I smelt something warm and sweet, like waffles? Pancakes maybe? I'd assumed Pacey had gone home, but there he was in my apron with pink and white hearts cooking breakfast.
'Morning beautiful! My, my, bed-hair really does suit you.' He winked at my with that Pacey grin.
I had my face in my hands and let out a quiet child-like squeal, then moved them to the side to hold my cheeks.
'I thought you'd gone home, Pace. Is it really awful?' I said as I walked over to the hallway mirror and started to try and smooth it out.
'Don't change a thing!' He said and came up behind me to wrap his arms around my waist.

I spun around to face Pacey, tilting my head right back so I could see him.
'I crashed on the couch, I hope that's ok. I just felt weird leaving you here alone, especially without saying goodbye.'
'Of course it's fine!' I replied, smiling compulsively wide, I couldn't help it.
'Breakfast?' Pacey guided me by the hand to the kitchen table and we sat eating a tall stack of pancakes, drizzled excessively with maple syrup. They were so fluffy and light, just the right touch of sweetness and perfectly browned on each side.
'Pace these are amazing! There's no end to you wondrous talents.' I said with a giggle. 'Honestly, have you ever cooked other stuff? Because if it's as good as this you'd make a mighty fine chef some day.'
'I can whip up the odd thing, really I've never spent much time in the kitchen, given it's where Mama Witter tends to reside. And if she's nearby you know Pop won't be far away.'

After breakfast I through on some sweats and buttoned up one of my dad's old shirts around me. Letting it sit off of one of my shoulders. I then brushed through my hair and tied it back into a messy bun, pulling down pieces to softly frame my face, it always made me feel pretty when my hair sat like that. We had no agenda for the day, and I could tell Pacey wasn't sure whether to head off home or not, but I asked him to stay. We curled up on the couch, his legs either side of me so that I could lean back into his chest and rest my head on his shoulder. I took out a new book: Little Women, I'd read it before but fancied starting it over. I began reading it aloud, as Pacey stroked my hair and rested his hand on one of my knees. After a while, he took over and we spent until late afternoon just passing the book back and forth, pausing every now and then to get a hot mug of tea to cozy up with.

It made me feel so safe and I had a warmth at the pit of my stomach. Every time I felt it's sensation spread through me the corners of my mouth would prick up, it was like my body couldn't hide the joy it felt. This was where I was meant to be.

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