McPhee Mansion

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For the rest of the day I walked around in a slight trance. I was physically exhausted from the dance and emotionally exhausted from the arguing. Despite having made up with Pacey I still felt low. He had stayed for hours after, but I missed him already, missed his arms around me and his gently voice comforting me. I hadn't wanted him to leave but the chief had called and demanded that he help down at the station. I had sent Jen home, telling her that I'd be fine now and that she's done an amazing job taking care of me.

Late afternoon I decided to walk around to Andie's house, just to try and get myself out of the strange state I was in. I wrapped a large orange and red scarf around my arms like a shawl and walked along the creek until I reached the McPhee mansion as it was known in our group, basically because it was twice the size of anyone else's house. I rang the doorbell alongside the large cream door with its golden knocker and on of those big round handles in the centre that didn't really work. The door opened and Jack's head poked around the edge of the door.
'Y/N! Come in, come in Madame' he said gesturing forward, but then he caught my eye and noticed the numb look on my face. 'Is everything ok?'
'Yeah...yeah, I'm fine. I just came by to see Andie.'
'Oh, Y/N, she's out. I think she went to study, maybe at the library?'
'Oh, oh...sorry Jack.' I turned to walk back out the open door, but Jack pushed it shut before I could get there and stood infront of it.
'Hey, hey, hey! What's up?'

I learn into Jack and he wrapped his arms around me, and I breathed deeply into his shoulder. We stayed embraced for a few minutes, then I pulled back and wiped a couple of tears off my face. Jack put his arm around my shoulder and guided me into the living room, sitting my down on the couch and then running to get me a glass of water. He clicked on the tv and turned on my favourite movie: Little Women. He always remembered the little things. I'd missed him. There was no need to talk, Jack knew that all I needed was some company and chill time, he'd always been able to read me straight off. After a little while I must've fallen asleep, because I woke up to the sound of the front door opening and Andie walking in.
'Y/N? What're you doing here? Is everything ok?'
Once I come around from my sleepy state I explained everything that had gone on, how it was fine now, but I still somehow felt wrong. Andie eventually suggested that I called my mom, a very Andie-type response to a problem- sensible and concise. She was right.

They invited me to stay for dinner, I was so glad because I really didn't feel up to cooking for myself, I'm sure I would've ended up with a pot of instant ramen or something else just as unappetising. It wasn't until late that I notice the time, and realised how little work I'd done that week. I decided to stay over, knowing Andie would be ready with an action plan to get me up to speed. My head had been so up in the clouds that I'd forgotten it was my senior year! This was not the year to be losing track of all my work. I felt refreshed from my nap earlier so was able to stay up later to brainstorm through all my class work and homework. I was almost completely caught up by the time we fell asleep.

The creek in CapesideNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ