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I walked out the front door and locked it behind me, when I heard a car door shut behind me. I thought it might be mum home a few weeks early from her business trip, but when I turned around I was surprised to see a police car. Pacey was stood leaning on the side of the driver's door, arms crossed with that cheeky grin on his face.
'Pace? What on earth are you doing here?'
'Well, I just so happened to be passing by and I never like to see a young lady walking these treacherous Capeside streets at night. My father taught me that as Sheriff, one of the few lessons I'll take from him Y/L/N.'
'Oh why thankyou, kind sir. Such a gentlemen!' I said with a little curtsy, giggle and a wink.

I went round to the passenger side and reached for the handle. I felt butterflies in my stomach, as hard as I tried to push past them, the fact that he cared enough to drive over, I knew for a fact that my house was out of his way.
'Oh sorry Y/L/N, you're in the back.'
'Oh!' I said and bent down to see Jen in the passenger seat, waving and smiling at me. Her face was only partially visible, as the sunset reflected in the car window. I stepped backwards and hopped into the back seat. I didn't want to admit it, but I was sort of disappointed it wasn't me especially that Pacey had wanted to keep safe. But then again, why would he? I guess it's kind of sweet him looking out for us, and he knows that Andie has Jack to look after her.

We arrived at the movie theatre and met Andie and Jack out the front, they were there with Joey and Dawson. I wasn't exactly pleased to see them, and I knew it would only make things difficult for Jen. I linked arms with Jen as we walked inside.
'Stick by me and we'll enjoy ourselves, alright? Don't let them spoil it.' I whispered to her.
She smiled and thanked me with a squeeze on the arm.
'Let's get popcorn and great big milkshakes!' We both giggled and went to order at the stand. I got vanilla, Jen chocolate and Andie joined us with a Strawberry. We felt like the perfect trio.
'Let's all go to the bathroom before it starts, leave the boys to find our seats.' Andie said and we handed our drinks and snacks to Pacey and Jack.

I stood by the sink as Andie washed her hands and Jen applied more lipstick in the mirror.
'Seriously, what are Joey and Dawson doing here? They know it makes things awkward for Jen and it ruins the whole group dynamic.' I said.
'Me and Jack sort of ran into them on our way here. When that asked what we were doing it felt rude not to invite them. But I wasn't exactly comfortable with it either. They put us in such a tough spot.' Andie replied.
'Honestly guys don't worry. I'll be fine. Let's just hope Pacey and Jack have the sense to sit them the other end of the row to me.' Jen said, she was a little quiet, so I knew she was struggling with it all.
'Better not sit anywhere near me either! I can't stand how they've just waltzed in here like there even friends with us anymore. And Joey has never liked me, she always pulls this sulky face at me, she can be a right b*tch!'
Just then one of the toilet stalls opened and Joey walked out, scowling at all three of us. I felt bad, I've got a knack for getting too riled-up in the moment, I wouldn't have said any of it if I thought she might have heard it. Joey stormed out, only stopping for a brief second to wash her hands. The bathroom door slammed behind her.
'Oh Y/N, we're going to be hearing about that one for a long while.' Andie said and patted me on the shoulder.
'I'll stick with you Y/N, you only said exactly what I was feeling too.' Jen gave me a reassuring nod.

We found the boys in our seats and shuffled along to sit down. To my surprise Joey and Dawson were still here, but I could see her muttering to him and that they were debating whether or not to leave. I tried to brush it off and faced the screen, zoning out into the familiar world of Back to the future.

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