Salty kisses

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At lunch:
I walked to the cafeteria with Andie after class to get her the Monday-special mac and cheese and chocolate-strawberry brownie. It was her absolute favourite, but I always refused school meals, too many lunch ladies without gloves or hair nets on for my liking. We headed outside to our usual spot on the green, where Jack was already waiting, having broken into his large brown paper bag filled with at least 3 chunky sandwiches. I sat between him and Andie and took out my pasta salad I'd made that morning: Italian and mozzarella, not that it really tasted of much, but it hit the spot. Andie began describing this dream dress she had discovered for the dance, her eyes wide and hands out in a passionate expression. She was still going by the time we'd finished our food, having moved onto the perfect shoes and accessories to compliment her dress. No sign of Pacey.

Andie then talked about the theme for the dance, describing everything vividly, since she knew all the details being on the social committee. Devon strode past us, she was an obnoxious freshman who fancied herself an actress and took most of the same classes as Pacey, him still being a few grades behind us all,
'Devon? Hey Devon?!' I stood up and jogged after her. 'You haven't seen Pacey have you?'
She rolled her eyes and bounced her hand onto her hip, 'Ugh, couldn't you see I was ignoring you? How should I know where your little boyfriend is? Stupid of you not to keep closer tabs on him, especially since we all know he had that affair with Miss Jacobson.'
I hated her, with that stupid holier-than-thou attitude. And how did she even know about me and Pacey? I must've let this internal question show in my facial expression.
'Oh sweetie, you didn't think it was some big secret did you? Oh well! I'll be nice since your clearly upset now, he got pulled out of math within 5 minutes, don't know what for yet but I'll find out.' And with that she waltzed back off.

I wanted to chase after her and slap that condescending expression right off her face, but I knew I'd come to regret it the same as I had with what I said about Joey. Why would Pacey have disappeared for that long? Even if he was in major trouble he'd be done in a couple of hours. And if it was that bad it would've exceeded a mere lunch-time detention. I slumped back down between Jack and Andie, telling her to resume her conversation, at least I wouldn't have to speak through this bad mood if she kept on going about the dance. I wouldn't have been so upset if I wasn't just so desperate to see him, and Devon twisting the knife about Miss Jacobson just made it all worse. But he'd promised. He'd promised to meet me at lunch, and he could've found a way to get a message to me, I know Pacey could've.

The bell range for the end of lunch and I sauntered off to my next class, I had gym so I was glad of a way to channel my frustration. Especially since they did gym with mixed age groups, basically filling in the gaps of people's schedules. I found myself on the other side of the dodgeball court to Devon. The perfect target for all my anger. I scraped back my hair into a tight ponytail, some strands framing my face to make me somehow feel more concealed under them. I meant forward and swayed my hips back and forth, tossing a foam ball between my hands and stretching both my legs. I knocked each member of the other team one by one, Devon went first, clutching her arm and whimpering despite having be hit with a FOAM BALL. I faced Kristy last one-on-one, she was that classic blonde, skinny 'it' girl and to top it off she was actually nice. But I felt complete satisfaction in beating her, Pacey used to drool over her and she would eat it up.

As I walked back to the locker room, I felt someone spin me around from the waist. It was, of course, Pacey, a smile wider than I'd ever seen on his face.
'My, my, you do look so fetching in that little gym skirt Y/L/N! I might just have to make you my girlfriend.'
I stepped away from him, trying not to show my annoyance, but not wanting to fall back into him like some clueless princess in a fairytale.
'You said you'd meet me at lunch Pacey. Where the hell were you?'
'I'm so so sorry, that's why I'm here now. I waited to catch you, I skipped French class so I could see you.'
'Pacey! You can't afford to do that, and don't use me as an excuse to get you out of your classes! I can't deal with that guilt!'
'Ok, ok! I had a doctor's appointment and I completely forgot about it! I felt awful leaving you like that. And I wanted to see you, let me walk you home today, to make up for it?'
I felt so stupid, I'd know it was an overreaction from the start, but I just felt so disappointed.
'Fine then, but don't you dare be late!' I said smirking and he smirked back. Then pulled in closer to him and kissed me on the forehead.
'Nice...salty!' He laughed and then kissed me again.

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