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Everything went back to how it was before during the next week of school. Jack managed to slowly transition his way back into our group, and Joey seemed to be ok with it now that we had made up (sort of). She still avoided eye contact with me when was passed in the hall, but it was progress I guess. I grew more comfortable again into my relationship with Pacey, the physical stuff came naturally like before, but I couldn't help being slightly distant for the first few days. I knew it wasn't Pacey's fault, it was just me being stupid and emotional.

It wasn't just that which was bothering me, Mom had rang earlier in the week to say that her conference had been extended, that she'd be back in a couple days. She didn't give me any more specifics, but I hadn't heard anymore and it'd been 3 days. This sort of thing happened all the time, her job was just so unpredictable. But this always just reminded me how much I missed her, hearing her solemn tone over the phone. My response was as usual, 'honestly mom, I'm fine. I'll see you again soon, okay?'
Even over the phone I knew she could tell I wasn't being sincere. I missed her so much.

Thursday afternoon:
I sat in history class, trying not to zone out at Mr Simmonds droned on about the British Invasion or something similar. I doodled on the back page of my exercise book and then felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned around to Christina handing me a folded up flyer, she smiled at me. I unfolded it to reveal a page decorated with purple weaved borders and gold-glitter lettering. It read: Party! Friday night @ 7pm, Christina's house.
I was quite surprised that she'd thought to invite me, we'd spoken a few times but I don't know if I'd have classed us a great friends or anything. It's one of those things where you never know if someone thinks more of you than you do of them, but I thought it was sweet. I turned around and smiled back at her.

Out in the hall I stopped Christina.
'Hey! Thankyou so much for inviting me, but you totally don't have to.'
'No, honestly there's going to be tons of people there so it's totally chill. Oh, and bring Pacey too if you want! And that other guy...the cute gay one...what's his name?'
'Yeah him!'
'Well thanks Christina, I'll see you there!'

At lunch I floated the idea to everyone and they all jumped at it, apart from Jack.
'That Christina, she follows me around everywhere. Kind of creepy. I don't know if I should go.'
'Wait, wait, wait...isn't she the one who has a bet going to try and hook up with you?' Pacey laughed and gave Jack a little shove on the shoulder.
'Dude it's not funny! She thinks she can turn me back onto women. Okay...well maybe that is a little funny.'
'Come on Jack! We'll help you avoid her all night and it'll be fun, we could all do with relaxing. Although, are you sure if we can go? Like she didn't invite me and Andie too' Jen said.
'Yeah sure! Christina said there's going to be loads of people there, I'm sure she won't notice a few more' I said with a subtle wink.
Pacey pulled me back using an arm around my shoulder so that I was leaning back into his chest, my head just alongside his. He leant down and kissed me on the forehead and then on the neck as I giggled.

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