"Wait, I'm a god...? Of what?"

Kratos: "The reach of your godhood is unknown, but if I were to go off of anything, the strength I have is going to be inherited by you, just like it was inherited in a way by your brother Atreus."

"I have a brother?!"

Kratos nodded.

Kratos: "You may know him. The world calls him Loki."

My mouth dropped.

"Wait...what!? The God of Mischief is my brother!?"

Kratos huffed in annoyance before moving on.

Kratos: "Anywho, let us begin your training so that you can wield them."

Kratos got into a combat stance and I grabbed the blades off of my back.

For the rest of the dream, I was taught the basics of the combat with the blades, and how to swing them around on the chains without killing myself. I was basically able to wield them at a slightly decent level compared to what Kratos was able to do back then.(IE, all of the blades of chaos' basic moveset in GOW4). Kratos was one hell of a strict teacher, but I still was able to manage, besides, I'm pretty sure he's the only person who has the capabilities of teaching me something so fast.

Kratos: "You are improving Ethan...but you still have much to learn."

"Hearing that from you is pretty good! Thank you!"

Kratos made a "hmph" sound in response

Kratos: "Yes...one last thing."

I turned around to look at my father.

Kratos: "When you wake up, open your right hand and focus. You may be surprised by what happens then."

I nodded in understanding before the dreamscape started to become brighter and brighter until I woke up in the makeshift bed in the Khaos Brigade's base of operations. I sighed as I slowly sat up in the bed, walked up to the nearby window, held my right hand out, and opened it while focusing on my hand.

About 10 seconds passed and nothing happened at all, and I started to lose faith. Eh, why not keep on doing it for about...1 more minute.

And so then, the 55 second marker hit...and I started to lose faith...until I saw a bright blue light moving fast...STRAIGHT TOWARDS MY WINDOW! The light then went straight to my hand and I felt my hand land on a handle of...something. Once the blue light subsided, I looked at the object in my hands which was...

A really large axe meant to be held with two hands, but because I spent so long training with Kratos for usage of the blades, I felt much more comfortable holding it in only one hand

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A really large axe meant to be held with two hands, but because I spent so long training with Kratos for usage of the blades, I felt much more comfortable holding it in only one hand. However, instead of the blazing heat the blades always produced, this axe seemed to cool down the area around it—which made my room be about room(no pun intended) temperature.

From pawn to god: A High School DxD crossover storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن