Chapter One

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Jiyoon POV

"Leaving too early? Why don't you stay here more?"

"I need to work dad. If I'm late my colleague will be mad at me."

"Then why don't you just work in my company?"

"I need experience dad. Crap I'm late. See you!" I shouted as I leave my dad's apartment quickly.

As I pushed open the gate, I saw a black car waiting. I quickly opened the passenger door as I hoped inside to see Vernon with a large smile. I give him a peck before fastening my seatbelt.

"Did you have fun?" He asked as he started the car.

"I did, but dad only talked about golf as always. You know him."

"Hey, what's wrong with that? Golf is fun you know?"

"Then if you both love golf, why are you still scared to meet my dad?"

"I- I just don't know okay? He's very intimidating whenever he sees me being too close with you." He stuttered.

I laugh to his response.

"So what time will your shift end?" He asked.

"Around 6pm? I'm not sure. Depends on how busy the convenience store is."

"I see." He answered.


"I was thinking on bring you to a date. You've been so busy lately and sometimes we can't even meet."

"Come on, we literally face time each other every day."

"But still-"

"Okay fine, I'll take a break soon."

"Yes, I can't wait for that day."

The car stopped in front of the place where I work as a cashier. I peck his lips as I waved him a goodbye.

"Yahh, stop being lovey dovey with your boyfriend. It's not appropriate."

I turned around towards the voice and it was my colleague, Yeo Hwanwoong. I rolled my eyes as I continued to wave at Vernon. When the car started to disappear from my sight, I walked towards him.

"Are you working till night?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't have anything to do at home so it's better working here." He answered.

"Get yourself a girlfriend then. You won't feel "bored"." I said jokingly.

"It's not like I don't want to but-"


"Because I know that you will act like this plus no, I don't like anybody." He lied obviously.

"If you say so." I teased him.

"Let's start working now." I said.

He just nodded.

Few hours passed and the clock strikes 6 p.m. I informed Hwanwoong that I'm leaving and he definitely didn't miss the chance to tease me.

"Go on Jiyoon. Go to your date." He said with jealousy.

"Lol, I said go find yourself a girlfriend. Bye." I giggled and left the convenience store, immediately spotting Vernon's car already parked up ahead.

I hop into the car and was greeted by his lovely smile.

"Why do you smile like that? That's creepy." I said in horror.

"Maybe because I was too excited for the date hehe." He said, rubbing the nape of his neck.

I just laughed at him and soon we reached our destination. It was a private restaurant specially booked just for us.

"Vernon, you don't need to do this." I blushed.

"But you like it, right?" He teased me.

Shyness starts to eat me up, how romantic can this man be? We take our seats with a bunch of dishes already served on the table.

We eat the food together, exchanging smiles as time passes. Suddenly, his phone rang. He picked it up and put it on loudspeaker mode.

"Vernon. Where are you?" His mom asked.

"Mom, I'm having a date right now. Don't disturb please."

"I know, with Jiyoon right? But there is someone who's been wanting to meet you so bad." She said.

I look at him, confused.


"Sim Anna."

Vernon was so excited hearing that name, "Really? Okay mom. We'll be back soon."

Then, he hung up.

"Who's Sim Anna?" I asked.

"Oh, she's my best friend back in the states. After I travelled to Korea, we lost contact with each other. So I think this is the chance to meet her again." He explained.

"Oh, wow. Can I meet her too?" I pouted.

"Yeah, why not? I can introduce you to my family too." He said.

I jump in excitement. We quickly finished the food and got back to Vernon's house.

I don't know why I feel so nervous though, Vernon's parents already met me before.

Finally, we reached his house and I take a deep breath before entering the house.

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