Chapter Ninteen - Hope

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Carson walked up the perfect driveway of the Woodlock residence, her footprints making a dent in the white blanket that had been layered over the drive. She walked up the cobble steps and up to the front door of the house, using the knocker to signal her arrival. As the knocker bashed against the door, the snow, of which was still falling around the girl, got slightly heavier in a matter of seconds. The Hufflepuff pulled her sleeves down, covering her hands fully. The door opened swiftly.
"Carson. You're early." Anastasia stared at her friend blankly, "why are you early Carrie?"
Carson sniffed slightly, a small chuckle left her lips as she did so, "Lovely to see you too Stacy. Would I like to come in? Well thank you so much for the offer, I'd love to come inside, away from the blizzard of a storm of which is happening right above my very head."
Anastasia laughed, "right sorry, put your coat up over there," The Ravenclaw pointed to a peg on the wall, Carson obliged, hanging her coat and scarf over the hook. "You must be freezing Carrie, come into my room, we'll put a fire on and you can tell my why in merlins name you are so early."

You see, Carson had a scheduled dinner with Anastasia and her family, Caron was never good at time management but she always seemed to to be on time to Anastasia's house.

"So?" Anastasia spoke, stepping away from the small fire.
"Well I have two things to talk to you about, one about the scrapbook and the other about Cedric's party thing I was telling you about, what do you wanna talk about first?" Carson asked her friend.
"I'm imagining Cedric's story is juicy so, I suppose save that till last, hit me with the scrapbook." The Ravenclaw smiled.
"Ok well, I just wanted to show you some pictures that's all." Carson reached for her bag, grabbing a small beige envelope, once opened spilling images:

" Carson reached for her bag, grabbing a small beige envelope, once opened spilling images:

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