Chapter Three - Desecration Smile

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"JACOB!" A voice screamed through the house "UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" The voice continued "SERIOUSLY?!"

That voice was Carson, an angry Carson at that. Her other brother, Jacob, had gotten in the shower before Carson, causing the shouting through the house. Eventually he got out of the bathroom so Carson could enter.

Eventually all three siblings were huddled in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Seriously Carson why so stressed?" Cam, the eldest, asked
"Do you seriously not remember?..." Carson stared at both blank faces "School? Todays my first day!" She said as both her older siblings began to realise.
"Ohhh!" Jacob replied "Forgot about that" he chuckled
"Not funny" Carson began to put her dishes in the sink "Anyway, I am VERY late sooooo yeah I'll be packing" she began to walk away before Cam spoke up
"YOU'RE NOT PACKED!!!" He squealed
"Errr not quite..." she admitted
"Seriously Carson your time management is genuinely horrific" he called after her.

Eventually Carson had packed her yellow trunk and managed to bargain a lift from her brother to the train station. She would meet her best friend on platform  9  3/4  before heading to Hogwarts. The girl and her brother listened to music for the last time together until what looked to be Christmas, Carson hated to admit it but it was nice to spend time with him and that she will miss him when she leaves for school. The usual 2 hour journey to London was over in what seemed to be 2 minutes

"So, I guess this is it until Christmas eh?" Cam spoke up as the music stopped playing in the car. "I can walk in with you if you'd like? He questioned
"There's so point I'm afraid, you won't be able to see me anyway." Carson replied saddened until Cam laughed slightly at the thought of his little sister being invisible.
"Call be when you get there though?" Cam asked
"Sorry, no phones aloud. I'll write though!" Carson replied
"Sure" Cam chuckled
"Whatever" Carson rolled her eyes at the reply
"So... I'll see you soon" Cam said hesitantly "OH WAIT!" He shouted as Carson began to open the car door "I got you a little something, I'm not sure how you're going to manage to use it or if it's even aloud but it's pretty cool either way" Cam pulled out an old mixtape that Carson heavily recognised. The cassette tape was battered and was of an incredible miss shape. It was a cassette tape from her childhood, she and both her brothers made it together when they were all very small and, well, cassettes were still heavily used. It was a deep memory that, in some ways, made her day.
"No. Way." Carson spoke out of utter shock "NO WAY!!! IS IT-"
"yep" cam smiled
"Fuck you. How? How did you-" Carson got cut off
"I have my ways, now, get the fuck out my car or you will miss your train" Cam laughed
"Fine!" Carson joked "No but seriously thank you, Muggle Studies has a cassette player so I can listen to it there." She paused "So I'll see you soon?" She asked
"Yeah of course, Mum and Dad will be wanting a letter you know" Cam said as Carson opened the door once more
"Yeah, they'll get one. Eventually" she mumbled the last part under her breath
"Oh my god" cam rolled his eyes. Again.
"Byeeeeee" Carson waved as she got out of the car, leaving Cam still sat behind the drivers seat.
"Byeeee" he waved back before driving away.

And there she was, Kings Cross Station with her trunk and owl ready for her next year back. Let the magic begin!

"Fucking hell Carson could you be any later!!"Anastasia said ushering Carson into the station
"Sorry ok, listen I'm here now" the girl replied
"My stuff is just over there" Anastasia pointed over towards the wall in between platforms 9 and 10.
"Cool" the girls picked up the pace a tad "I can't believe the holidays are over already, it feels like only yesterday we were on the train home, let alone coming back for a new year!"
"I know, it's absolutely nuts" Anastasia spoke as both  the girls reached the wall "ready?" She questioned
"Always" Carson responded, aligning her trolly up with the wall ready to run towards it. The girls began to count down from three simultaneously.
The girls braced themselves
They both charged full speed into the wall, with ease they both dashed through and into the wizarding station beyond.

Eventually the pair got settled on the train, themselves, along with their luggage, in a compartment that was empty, this was seen as a major rarity. The girls spoke about how they had spent their summer, school and classes before hearing a loud woman talk.
"Anything from the trolly! Anything from the trolly!"

"Hey I'm gonna get some food, you want anything while I'm there?" Carson questioned as she stood up
"Can you grab me a chocolate frog please?" Anastasia asked
"Sure, I'll be right back" Carson stood from her seat and exited the cart. She found herself at the back of the queue waiting patiently for her snacks.
"Is this the end of the queue?" A voice enquired behind the girl, of whom was slightly zoned out.
"Yeah" she responded, not even turning her head to see who asked
"Carson right? Carson grove?" The girl's head immediately bolted around as she heard her name spoken.
"Yeah, oh, Diggory" she said, slightly disappointed at who stood behind her
"Yep" the tall boy spoke "Say, you were in Quality Quidditch Supplies the other day right?"
The girl was blunt with the boy "Yeah, that was me"
"Thought that was you" Cedric smiled

Eventually, the small talk between Carson and Cedric was over and she bought her food and returned to the carriage. She gave Anastasia her's and the pair began talking again. The conversations slowly rolled over from one to the other with ease before the train came to a halt. The duo immediately locked eyes and gathered their things. They had finally arrived at the one and only. Hogwarts. Home.

Word count 1035


Thanks so much for reading this chapter, I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've published anything, I have had exams the past few weeks so I haven't been able to write as much but hopefully I can try to get to some sort of normality in writing. As always go check out IvyRose_666 she is incredible (she posted a new chapter a few hours ago) I would also love it if you voted and commented as it really helps my motivation. Thanks for reading :)

Quidditch                                              ~~ Oc x Cedric Diggory ~~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن