Chapter Fifteen - Sunday Rain

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"And then what happened?" A voice called out,
"Well then we slow danced the rest of the night, I'm not sure what happened to Cho after though."
Carson and Anastasia were talking amongst themselves about the previous night.
"So what about the whole hating him thing?" Stacy resumed to question her friend.
"Well he's quidditch captain so I was going to have to try to get over it some how, anyway, I need to get ready for the game. Will you be there later?" Carson asked whilst collecting her things and stuffing them into her bag.
Anastasia began to do the same, a little more neatly however, "Yeah, should be. I'll see you then."
The girls parted ways from the prefects bathroom.

Carson found herself speed-walking which turned into a run to get to the pitch. As she turned a corner to get to the staircase she crashed into someone, her things spilling everywhere as she fell.
"Carson for goodness sake you're late, again!" The quidditch captain said, kneeling down to help her pick up her things. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the ground.
"I'm so sorry Diggory, come with me, we'll get there faster this way." She let go of his hand and flung herself over the top of a staircase, landing on her feet below. "HURRY!" She called as the boy did the same.
She grabbed his hand as the pair dashed through the halls and out the doors, running to the grounds.
"How have you not been caught for that yet!" The boy yelled as they ran.
"What makes you think I haven't." Carson replied.

Eventually the two got to the grounds just in time, Carson ran into the changing room and got herself ready for the game. Hufflepuff vs Slitherin.

"CARRIE WHAT A GAME!" A voice squealed as Carson emerged from the changing rooms.
"Wasn't it just Stacy, wasn't it just." The girl smiled back. "We haven't played a game like that this season."
"Well, well done the lot of you, you all played fantastically." Anastasia spoke before picking up her pace a little more. "Listen I've gotta go, I'll see you around?" She asked the girl.
"Of corse Stacy, go hang out with Enzo." She teased before Anastasia began to jog away.

"Hey Carson!" Someone was calling out to the Hufflepuff, "wait up!"
Carson flung her head to look behind her as she saw Diggory running full speed at the girl. And with that came along a,
The boy had flung straight into her, falling on top of her as he did so. The pair were in fits of giggles. Both with their eyes sealed shut from laughter and slight embarrassment. After the pair had calmed themselves a little they both simultaneously opened their eyes, faces inches apart, both blushing. Both Hufflepuffs began to lean in slightly, closing their eyes once more as their faces were now millimetres away from each another's. Their noses were now touching, their lips so close to one another you could barely see the gap between them.
Cedric began to mumble something, his lips brushing against hers as he did so, "I should probably get off you now."
And with that they erupted once more laughing until Cedric managed to roll off of the girl and lie beside her on the grass. The pair eventually sat up, Carson wiping her tears of laughter away as she did so.
"Seriously Carson I wanted to ask you something." He paused. "You see my dad is hosting this little Christmas do next weekend, I didn't manage to ask you about it earlier and seeing as I might not get a chance to later I felt I should ask you now, would you like to come?"
"Of corse I would, I'd love to come. However I am going to need dates, places and times." She said, collecting her things as she did so.
"Of corse, there should be a letter in your dorm about it." He smiled, beginning to do the same.
"Speaking of, I need to pack so I best be off." Carson stood up as Diggory grabbed her arm.
"You're telling me you're not packed yet... WE LEAVE IN AN HOUR AND A HALF!" He yelled.
"Well then, you better help me pack eh?" She teased slightly.
"Fine, but hurry up." He joked back.
The pair walked off together, laughing and joking with one another the whole time.

Meeting you was a nice accident. I could be quiet but never blind, I knew what I saw. I have been waiting for you to arrive so that our story can begin, maybe it's starting? Although we had never said it to each other, I think we both knew. Am I that girl you dream of? I know that everything happens for a reason, but what the fuck universe. We were just friends, friends who spoke like lovers. Why is it I am so fascinated be you? You're like a drug, and I'm addicted...

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