Chapter Five - Hurricane Drunk

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"I cannot believe that you have made me do this Stacy" Carson huffed as the pair walked over to the quidditch pitch "like seriously I won't be any good anyway"
Anastasia rolled her eyes "honestly Carson get over yourself" she joked "besides you'll give Diggory a run for his money"
"I won't though, he's going to be seeker, I'm blind as a bat let's face it" Carson laughed
"I mean- true" Anastasia replied

"I'll be sitting Ravenclaw top left, best seats up there" Anastasia spike once both girls reached the pitch
"Ok, wish me luck" Carson sighed
"Carrie, you don't need it, I promise" Anastasia smiled as she spoke, comforting the defiant yet nervous girl
"Thanks Stacey, see you up there" Carson smiled back

As she walked onto the pitch, nerves began to flood her system, all the esteemed players were all there, they all knew each other so well. Carson knew most of them but was too nervous to start any kind of conversation, besides, she didn't want to talk to too many people with the fear of not only her competitiveness shining through but also she didn't want to get too distracted. She wanted to play and then leave and that was it. Some familiar faces were Maxine O'Flaherty, Michael McManus, Anthony Rickett, Malcolm Preece, Tamsin Applebee, Heidi Macavoy, Herbert Fleet, and of corse, Cedric Diggory.

As the tryouts went ahead, Cedric, the nominated captain, swapped players on and off the pitch in order to create the ideal team. Eventually Carson was swapped in for Herbert Fleet. You're ok, you're ok, you'll be fine

"Hey er- Carson?" Cedric's voice spike up
Carson was pulled out of a daydream "Hm?"
"Beater right?" The boy questioned
"Yep, that's me" she responded, trying to stay as calm as she could
"Cool, I'm swapping Herbert out for you so yeah, whenever you're ready" he said, sounding slightly nervous and on edge him self, but for what reason? The boy gestured out into the pitch.
In one swift motion Carson ordered her broom over and flew out into the open.

It just so happened that on this particular day it was rather stormy which, not only put the girl on edge more, but also was one factor that would really test her skills, which she still had the impression that she didn't have any in mind.

Fortunately for Carson, the game played swiftly and in her favour but eventually it was interrupted by hooch who came running into the pitch. The girl tried to overhear her former professor talking to Cedric, something about the currant weather situation.

Hooch had ordered for the people watching the tryouts to return to the castle and advised the players to do so too. However Carson remained on the pitch, her thought being that she would be seen as stronger than those who left if she stayed. So, she carried on playing.

Eventually Cedric called everyone in and began to give people positions. He went through the line of students, directing them as to if they were in the team.
"Carson" the boy spoke her name as dread began to fill within her stomach "you will be our other beater"
Thank god was the first thing that came to her mind, she simply nodded her head at the captain as a smile crept on to her face.

As Carson walked out of the changing rooms and went to head out, back to the castle a hand gripped her shoulder, stopping her from moving.
"Wait-" the voice spoke. Carson turned around to see Cedric holding her shoulder
"Mhm?" She questioned
"Oh, um... don't worry about it" he answered shakily.
Confused she replied "Err, ok?"
"Oh actually," he gripped her shoulder again "who taught you to play quidditch? You're a natural, and rather good at it if I might say"
"Oh, thank you" a slight blush crept onto the girl's face, more of embarrassment and awkwardness if anything "I'm self taught, it was something I enjoyed in first year and so I never really gave up, I have a habit of sticking with things like this, they give me a sense of peace and tranquillity I suppose" she smiled at the boy
"You are seriously good at it" a grin creeping onto his face too
The girl chuckled lightly to herself  "fuck off " she murmured at him
"You can't go five minutes without insulting me can you?" He let go of her shoulder, keeping good eye contact
Carson rolled her eyes "whatever" she said in a light laugh
"I'll see you later then?" Diggory said, slightly stepping away
"See you around" Carson spun round on the heels of her shoes

Carson walked of in a cheerful mood of some sorts, much more cheerful then when she arrived earlier that day


Word count 800


Hiya, thank you so much for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoyed, I'm so sorry for not publishing earlier, I've been so busy these past few weeks but hopefully will be writing more soon. As always a massive thank you to IvyRose_666 for inspo. Also make sure to check out her book, it's absolutely incredible.

Make sure to vote and comment as it really helps me as a writer! :)

Also I'm so sorry that this is a shorter one, I felt like I needed to get one out

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