Chapter Two - Oh! You Pretty Things

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The pair slowly made their way up to the doors of The Leaky Cauldron,
"God, I hate this bit" spoke Anastasia
"Ugh same here, it's just so awkward to walk into the silence" Carson replied
"Yeah, well here goes" Anastasia said as she placed her hand around the old latch door handle "good luck" she joked. Carson scrunched her nose sarcastically to the comment. Anastasia slowly opened the creaky wooden door to reveal the, as expected, awkwardly silent pub beyond. Their eyes cast down. The room echoed with each footstep the duo made. Finally they reached the back end of the pub. The door to the courtyard was stood slightly off centred against the back wall is the pub. As Carson reached out for the door handle a voice coughed up amongst the silence. A crooked looking woman stared up from the daily newspaper gave both the girls some form of side eye before returning to her paper.

Eventually Carson and Anastasia made it out of the pub and they became face to face with the wall which would lead them to Diagon Ally.
"Ready?" Anastasia asked.
"Always ready" Carson replied.
Anastasia tapped the code into the bricks having them reshuffle to expose the hidden world behind.
"Never gets old eh?" Carson giggled.
Anastasia laughed back.

The hustle and bustle of Diagon Ally filled the air as the wall closed up behind the girls.
"Hey Stacey?" Carson grabbed Anastasia's shoulder to stop her from walking
"Yeah?" She replied
"Listen right I got you something. I'm really shit at this whole wholesome thing so here" Carson pulled out a wrapped gift from her rucksack. "It's called a tote bag, it's a muggle bag that literally fits everything in, and it's like hella your vibe. It's something I felt like you would use when I saw it and yeah so I got it for you" she smiled
"Oh my god" Anastasia spoke in pure shock. "I LOVE  IT!" She squealed "it's absolutely perfect for shopping today" a huge grin was plastered onto her face. "Thank you so much Carrie"
"It's ok honestly" Carson giggled "LET THE SHOPPING COMMENCE" she cried out dramatically.

The first shop the girls walked into was Quality Quidditch Supplies.
"I still don't understand how you managed to snap your broom" Anastasia said as the pair made their way into the overpacked shop.
"Listen ok..." Carson said switching into a sarcastically serious tone, "I don't wanna talk about it..." she mumbled under her breath which, in some way, made it even more difficult for Anastasia to contain her laughter. Both girls were in fits of giggles while rummaging around the shop. Eventually they both made their way to the back of the room, all the brooms were kept there.
"Sooooooo" Anastasia dragged out the 'o' "which one ya gonna get?" She questioned
"Eh, I don't really care to be honest, something reliable, the Bluebottle will do." Carson responded picking up the broom
"Are you serious, I hate to tell you this but the Bluebottle is shit Carrie, absolutely shit. What about a Comet Two Ninety? Or maybe a Nimbus 2000?" Anastasia said as she walked along the rack of brooms, analysing them all in great detail.
"One. Dangerous as fuck. You know those Comet Two Ninety's can jump up to 60mph in a manner of seconds. Two. I'm not made of money luv." Carson said looking back to the broom in her hand "this one will do just fine"
"No, absolutely not. I'll meet you in the middle. How about a Clean Sweep?" Anastasia questioned walking up to the broom
"Hmm" Carson heavily study's the broom that her friend was pointing to. "I guess..." she held both brooms in her hand. "You know what, you're right, this is the one."
"Carrie, I'm always right." Anastasia joked.
"You know what fair enough." Carson giggled back.
At that moment the bell on the door of the small shop rung and the entrance flew open. She turned her head to see him. Cedric Diggory. He walked through the door. The sun, blissfully illuminating his figure, the like bouncing off his rosy cheeks. His head, slightly tilted to the side giving away his smile and showing off his side profile, he was looking at his friends next to him slightly laughing at something one of them had said. He made direct eye contact with Carson, clearly recognising her from school, flashing her a smile and wondering over to the shelf stacked with broom polish before she got a chance to react. That was probably a good thing because of exactly how Carson felt about this boy in particular.
"Ugh, let's go, Diggory just got here" Carson said to her friend, interrupting some deep thought.
"What, err yeah. Let's go. Wait a second, what's your issue with him anyway?" Anastasia questioned
"He's just like pretty perfect Cedric who is so successful because of his daddy's money and status" she said mockingly.
"Agreed. It's like everyone wants to be friends with him because he's oh so popular and oh so amazing" she responded with the same mock-full energy.

Eventually the two got out of the shop and headed to Flourish and Blotts.
"Ahh yes, feels like home" Anastasia said as they stepped into the shop that held so many memories.
"I love it here." Carson said as she lent her head on Stacey's shoulder.
"Me too Carrie. Me too."

A familiar silhouette walked down the creaky stairs of the shop.
"DRACO!" Anastasia screeched, diverting Carson's attention from the book she had been looking at for the last twenty minutes or so.
"Hi Anastasia" the blond said as her gave her friend, who he hadn't seen all summer, a overdue hug.
"Carson" he nodded as he broke away from the hug. Carson and Draco shared a handshake-that-seemed-too-formal, in the words of the Malfoy, that developed into a hug.
"How have you two been?" The slitherin questioned
"Not too bad, could be worse. Yourself?" Carson asked
"Keeping up, god I can already feel that this year is not going to be the easiest" Draco stated
"Is there ever an easy year at hogwarts?" Anastasia questioned "First of all its HOGWARTS. A literal school for MAGIC. And secondly Harry Potter is in our year."
"Potter causes carnage wherever he goes" Draco added
"Speaking of carnage, Diggory is here today, carful not to get trampled by his millions of admirers" Carson snarked
"Ugh so true." Draco said while picking up a book. "I better go, I'll catch you two later" he said before walking over to the register.

As darkness began to fall over the boisterous and buzzing ally and eventually became calm and tranquil the duo walked back up to the wall which they had gone through what seemed like moments earlier.
"I hate this bit even more" Anastasia said slightly looking down as she did so
"Me too, at least school starts soon. I love spending time with my family and all but I miss the life, school and you" Carson said directing Anastasia's attention from the mossy cobble to her eyes. "Let sixth year commence" Carson smiled earning a giggle out of her best friend.
"Bring it on."


Word count 1207


Hey so chapter two is out now, obviously. I'm really exited for this book, it's going to be a slow burner and might take a while to get into, particularly for me as the writer, but I have high hopes on this one. Also the time like is fucked up here ok we're just not going to acknowledge it. Again, massive credits to IvyRose_666 because her book really inspired me to write and she deserves the world. Make sure to go check out her book of you haven't already. It's called dandelions and it's incredible. If you enjoyed this chapter make sure to vote, and comment if you have any ideas, predictions or just general feedback for me at all as it really helps me keep motivated to continue writing. I'm also going to try to get a chapter out once a week or so for some sense of consistency through this book. Anyways sorry for the long A/N, I'll see you guys next chapter, have a good day <3

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