Chapter One - A Certain Romance

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the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.
"she was unable to control her own destiny"

the development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.
"fate decided his course for him"

In small house, on a small street, in a small village, in a small town, contained a student, a starting sixth year student. Her name? Carson. She was a dedicated student, she loved her classes, friends and just the general school environment. Well, Hogwarts anyway, she always hated muggle schools. Carson was born into a family of muggles, their history never following a wizard-like pattern. She was the first wizard in the family tree. Carson Grove.


Carson's alarm clock echoed through the house.


"Ugh" the girl grumbled as she fell out of a deep sleep. "Right, gotta get up. Wait- I'VE GOTTA GET UP!" She startled herself forcing her to fall onto the floor from her bed. "Right. Gravity..." Carson began to get herself organised. You see, she had set an alarm for herself this morning as today was official-diagon-ally-day. Herself and her friend Anastasia had claimed  August 26 as official-diagon-ally-day since first year. The iconic duo met on the 26th of August back in their first year at hogwarts. They had stumbled upon one another in Flourish and Blotts book shop all those years ago and have been friends since. The pair were inseparable.

Carson stood looking into her slightly broken wardrobe for something to wear. She ended up picking out her favourite band tee, loose fit jeans and her green bomber jacket. She paired the outfit with her skate high trainers and an old black rucksack. She ended up spending about 45 minuets trying to do something with her hair before letting it just fall into its naturally slightly curled position over her face. Carson decided to do a simple makeup look. Foundation, concealer, light peach eyeshadow, simple wing, mascara and a pink tinted lip gloss. "Perfect" she said to herself before grabbing her purse, wand and checklist that Anastasia had prepared the night before.

She ran down the stairs, through the small kitchen and into the living room, swiftly grabbing her house keys from the counter as she headed for the door. In doing so she nudged past one of her brothers who was stood in the kitchen.
"Carson where are you going-?" echoed the voice from the room
"Cam we literally had this discussion like yesterday. I'm going to see Anastasia, get stuff for school. It's literally tradition. I'm literally going to be late."
The girl dashed past him once more
"CHEERS" she called
Cam chuckled to himself lightly
"YOU'RE AN IDIOT" He called back
"Says you" Carson said as she ran back down the stairs. "You're literally making rice for breakfast!"
"Hey, don't diss it 'till you try it"
"Shut up. I'll be back later!" She called out to him
"Ok see you in a bit!"

Carson ran up to her bus stop where her bus had just pulled in.
"Hiya, adult ticket to the train station please" she said slightly out of breath after running to her stop
"Hiya, here you go"
"Thanks" she replied and made her way up to her usual seat. She plugged in her headphones and shuffled her playlist. Putting her phone back down onto her lap she lent her head onto the window next to her. The journey was reasonably short but the bubbling excitement growing inside Carson it felt like it was taking forever.

Finally the bus pulled to a stand still and Carson got of without hesitation. She walked up to the counter at the train station, slightly reassuring herself as she did so. It was one thing she always hated, it just seemed so awkward, buying a train ticket. But still, she went on anyway.
"Hello, how can I help you?" a woman spoke over the small speaker in a monotone voice. She has a label on her shirt reading 'Milla'
"Hiya, a two way ticket to London please?" The girl asked
"Ok, £7.95 please" the woman said, sounding as bored as ever.
Carson presented her with the money, took her ticket and moved out of the line so someone else could talk to the woman.

Carson made her way to her platform and waited patiently for her train to arrive. It was late, as always, however Carson didn't mind, she was too exited about the day ahead of her to even think about it being late.

She got on the train and sat down in her seat, she skipped a song on her ever-long playlist and settled into her chair. The ride was dull and boring. The train seemed to move through the rolling clouds. The tracks went by some small towns and villages, some fields and green land before slowly coming to a halt at London Waterloo station.

Carson slowly stepped of the train and made her way steadily through the people flooding the largest station in the uk. She took a glance at the overpowering clock and of corse, she was late. Very late. She picked up her pace, starting off with a speed walk, slowly forming into a run and ending up in a sprint over the road to the tube station. Carson got her ticket and headed for the jubilee line and got there just in time. Luckily her destination was only a few stops from her currant location. Unfortunately though, she did have to stand. She finally got to her stop, got of the tube and waited to spot her friend. They had agreed to meet at that tube stop as it was the closest to Anastasia's house.

Out of the distance, a clear figure emerged through the sea of people. About 5'10, blue knitted jumper, blue torn jeans, hair clipped up to the back of her head, white lace-up converse shoes, a zodiac sign necklace hanging on her neck. Carson's smile grew over her face. The girl across the platform turned her head,
"CARRIE!" She screamed
"STACY" Carson screamed back
The pair engulfed into a hug, almost tumbling over. Finally, Carson and Anastasia reunited.

Word count 1048


So this is my first hp related book and I know it's a bit of a slow start and there isn't much magical content just yet but the next few chapters there will be more. Also all the chapter titles are going to be after songs cuz I thought that'd be cool I don't really know but oh well. Massive shout out to IvyRose_666 she really inspired me to write this because of her absolutely incredible book called dandelions. It's a fourth year story on an oc x Lorenzo Berkshire and I fucking love this book so so much, go check it out <3

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