1. The Strongest Heroes

Start from the beginning

The bald hero gives his answer, "Just a guy who's a hero for fun."

"Seriously? What kind of half-assed backstory is that?" The purple monster's eye twitches in annoyance as he gestures to himself triumphantly, "I was forged from the pollution man wrought upon the earth. I am Vaccine Man!"

The monster continues, "The earth is a single living organism. You filthy humans are nothing but a disease causing bacteria eating away at her precious life force. In order to wipe out humanity and the evil civilization built on her surface."

As he spoke he continued to grow and become more brutal and horrendous in appearance as his eyes flashed a brilliant red. "The earth in her infinite wisdom has given birth to me!"

"You two say you do this for responsibility? For fun? How dare you confront Mother Earth's Apostle for such a mindless reason!" The monster continued to rant as it bared down on them.

Spider-man and Saitama briefly tuned him out as they turned to face one another again before each of them held up a fist and smirked at one another.

"Rock paper scissors to see who goes first?" Spider-man chuckled.

"Not this time, you can't win rock paper scissors five times in a row. It's not going to happen." Saitama said back, neither taking Vaccine Man or his ranting seriously in the slightest.

"On the count of three." Spider-man said.

"Alright." Saitama said and both began to shake their fists. "Wait! Wait! On one, two, three, or on one, two, three, go?"

"Uh, on go." Spider-man said, getting a nod from his friend.

"One." They bobbed their hands causing the monster to narrow his eyes at them as he finally realized he was being ignored.

"Two." They said again.

"Three." The pair said, raising their hands for a final time.

"Go!" The pair stopped their hands with Spider-man's hand still in a fist and Saitama's was completely open like paper.

"Aw man." Spider-man pouted while Saitama cackled in victory.

"You dare ignore me you vile hu-" Vaccine Man roared as he launched toward them, only for a hand to lash out and connect with the creature's body splattering it into pulp across the whole district.

A small amount of steam wisped off of Saitama's knuckles from where he had connected with his punch.

"Again? All it took was one punch again?" Saitama asked angrily, "DAMN IIIIIT!!!"

"Relax man, that's all it ever takes. The threat was dealt with. No more innocents will have to suffer." Spider-man said with a sigh. He understood where his friend was coming from though.

"Come on, let's get the kid and the rest of these guys to some nearby hospitals." Spider-man said as he picked up the little girl.

Saitama watched Spider-man walk for a moment before he sighed and followed after the spider themed hero.


After returning the girl to her parents they were grateful for it, Spider-man went on to search for more survivors which he did, bringing them back to the nearby hospitals with great speeds.

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