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[Amara walks into the cabin going straight to her backpack that is resting on the table next to her bed. She digs through it until she find a small black object. Looking down at it, it looks like a doll house accessory]

Confused looks are passed through the hall, thinking what is so special about this object.

Amara and Percy share a smirk. Percy is one of the few people that know about this]

[Amara, flicks the object onto the bed, and as it is falling closer it begins to enlarge, forming into a black brief case which she smirks at as it lands on the bed]

"Okay that was cool, but what's so special about a brief case?" Blaise asks confused, which only makes Amara smirk more.

[Amara looks towards the door before she stands on the bed. She puts a foot through the briefs case as it looks like she begins to climb down something. Just before her head goes out of view she reaches for the lid and closes it]

Most look at the screen in shock and awe as she disappeared.

Dumbles couldn't help but think about a previous student of his and his case.

[Screen moves to show a white ladder and a white small hallway. Amara comes sliding down the ladder landing on her feet with a huff. She smiles as she turns around walking towards a double door opening it]

Amara: Honey, I'm home

Apollo raises a brow at her thinking who she is calling honey to which she gestures to the screen.

[The lights turn on revealing the room as Amara walks through it. It's a lab (Show on image of what it looks like) As a voice is heard echoing throughout the room]

 It's a lab (Show on image of what it looks like) As a voice is heard echoing throughout the room]

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Awed looks are on most people faces making Amara look more smug about her lab.

A.I: Welcome Back Agent Potter

"Who the hell is that" Blaise asks confused seeing no one else in the room with her.

"My A.I which stands for Artificial Intelligence. A genius who works at S.H.I.E.L.D taught me how to make it" She explains making more people look at her in awe as her family look proud of her.

Apollo relaxes now realising who she was talking too.

Amara: Save the pleasantries Janice, We got work to do
[She says clapping her hands as she makes her way to a cupboard she changed into a wardrobe]
Send Fury a confidential message for only His, James and Phil's eyes only saying 'Dreams do come true' He will know what I mean

"Dreams do come true?" Percy asked in confusion and worry.

"Don't worry about it, code words you know" Amara shrugs trying to get it off the topic.

[Amara disappears from view for a while, while she is still talking to the A.I]

A.I: Certainly Agent Potter

Amara (Off screen): Oh, also tell him I might need a clean up crew on stand by, just in case.

"Wasn't that handy" Percy winces as those who went on the quest nod in agreement.

Fury grumbles, they gave him a shit tone of work to do.

[Amara comes back on screen, her outfit now changed, her hair tied up. She goes towards a wall pressing a button, revealing to be a weapon storage. Guns, Knives and gadgets. She grabs the ones she needs placing them on the work counter behind her]

 She grabs the ones she needs placing them on the work counter behind her]

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Most are in awe at the weapons shown on the screen the campers the most.

Amara: Oh and Janice I need some fake ID's and passports for Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Grover Underworld

Said people raise a brow at her, not knowing about her making them.

She shrugs, they weren't needed but didn't mean she wouldn't be unprepared.

A.I: At once, Agent Potter

[The camera shows a screen appearing from thing air about the work counter as Amara starts putting weapons on her body]

"Whoa" Some mutter in awe

Melena nods proudly at her daughter.

[Percy's face shows up and the screen moves to show It scanning different parts of his face, as coding is shown on another, under his face shows an ID, his face moving onto it, with fake information, changes to a passport doing the same thing]

"Creepy but cool" Percy says at the screen as most nod in agreement.

[Moves to Annabeth's face, doing the same thing it done to Percy's then moves to Grover's. A compartment pops open on the table revealing all the Fake ID's and passports]

[Now having all of her weapons on her she gets a back pack, grabbing the ID's putting them in her bag. She moves to open a draw. The contents of the draw show multiple ID'S and passports all with her face. She shuffles through them taking three matching sets before bagging them]

"So lets say hypothetically, a certain set of siblings wanted a fake ID to be 21 so they could Hypothetically go clubbing, could that hypothetically be done?" Travis asks as Connor nods in agreement.

"Yes it could, Hypothetically of course" She adds seeing the looks on the adults faces apart from Hermes who looks proud.

[She presses a panel on the wall, a section opens up to show a safe that needs a hand print to open. She presses her hand on the screen, when it is done scanning it opens up to show it filled with different types of money. Dollars, Pounds, Euro's, and so on. She grabs a stack of $100, $20, and $10's as she puts them in her bags]

"Fucking Hell" Hermes breathes out in awe at the amount of money she has.

"Always prepared" Amara shrugs at the looks on peoples faces.

[As she makes her way out, she zips up the bag, before she grabs a leather jacket putting the jacket and bag of as she makes her way to the door]

Amara: Don't wait up honey [She calls back as the lights of the lab turn off]

Most laugh at how she speaks to her AI

The Red room's Demi-Witch (Slow Writting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora