Bull Fighting

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[The scene shows a car speeding down a deserted road, thunder and heavy rain. The camera moves to inside the car to show Sally driving with Grover and Percy in the back seats arguing]

Percy: Whoa. You said 'you'

Grover: No, I didn't. I said someone

Percy: You meant 'you' as in me

Grover: I mean you, like 'someone'. not you, you

"What were you both arguing about" Neville asks curiously.

"Oh, you know, 'someone' dying" Percy says like it's an every day occurrence. Amara snorts while Neville looks wide eyed, nods slowly before turning back to the screen

Sally: Boys!

[She pulled the wheel hard to the right, Percy looks out the window and got a glimpse of a figure his mom swerved to avoid-a dark like fluttering shape now being lost to the storm]

"What the fuck is that" Daphne croaked.

Percy: What was that?

Sally: We're almost there...another mile. please. please, please.

[As she begs Percy leans forwards in anticipation. Suddenly there was a blinding flash, a jaw rattling boom! and the car exploded]


"What the hell"

"Oh my gods"

[Inside the car a dazed Percy, panicking Sally and a passed out Grover]

Percy: Ow! [As he touches his head]

"Were you all okay?" Mrs Weasley asks in worry they respond by letting her know they were okay.

Sally: Percy!

Percy: I'm okay [He responds as he tries to shake off the daze he was in]

Poseidon grabs his son in worry, holding him tightly.

[The car is shown to be stuck in a ditch, the drivers side door wedged in the mud. The roof had a cracked open letting rain pour in. Lightening was still cracking through the sky]

Almost everyone were on the edge of their seats in worry for the trio.

Apollo is extremely thankful that his beloved was no in the car.

Percy: Grover! [As he looks back he sees Grover slumped over, blood trickling from the side of his mouth, Percy shook him trying to get him to wake up which he responded to groan out a "food"]

Most chuckled at Grover's response as he flushed in embarrassment.

Sally: Percy... we have to [As her voice flattered, he looked outside. In a flash of lightening, through the mud-splattered windshield, he saw a figure lumbering towards them, a large figure holding what seemed a blanket over his head]


"Get out of there"

Percy: Who is-

Sally: Percy...Get out of the car...Climb out the passage side! Percy you have to run! Do you see that big tree?

Percy: What?

[A flash of lightening, and through the smoke a large pine tree was shown at the crest of the nearest hill]

"Hey, it's you" Amara said to Thalia which a cheeky smile which she glared back with no heat earning strange looks but a slight laugh from the Demi Gods.

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