My Turn

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[The next morning Chiron moved the siblings to cabin three. They had plenty of room for their stuff as it was only the two of them. They got to sit at their own dinner table as well. But as the days moved on Percy became more miserable, and seeing her brother upset made Amara miserable too]

[The other campers steered clear of the siblings as much as possible. Amara wasn't bothered by the stares or whispers but it was getting to Percy more, especially when he noticed her looks being three times worse than his, most looking at her in horror and fear]

Apollo frowns at the thought of his love in destress and Poseidon was not happy with how they were treating his children.

[Cabins were too nervous to have lessons with the pair, so lessons become one-on-one with Luke pushed Percy harder than ever, but even Luke was wary of Amara]

"Bitch" Amara mutters under her breath, earning amused looks from those who managed to hear.

[Annabeth still taught Percy Ancient Greek but she was always distracted. Every time Percy said something, she would scowl at him but would quickly stop at Amara's glare. Amara finally had enough of it. Amara is seen walking at a quick pace up to the farm house, where Chiron and Mr D sat. As she walked campers quickly moved out of her way, sending wary looking into her direction]

"Uh oh, Amara is on a mission and she doesn't look happy" Blaise announces and Amara huffs at her friends dramatics.

Amara: Mr D! Chiron! [She says when she is close enough to gain their attention]

[Mr D rolls his eyes with a sigh but looks slightly interested in what she has to say, while Chiron looks at her cautiously]

Amara: Look, I don't care if either of you like me. I don't care that everyone is refusing to train and teach us because I already know all of this anyways. But Percy doesn't and it is going to get him killed!

Sally looks at her son in worry. She knew how the campers were treating them would have an effect, but she didn't think it would be that serious until Amara made that point, and she is right.

Chiron: I know Amara, but...

Amara: So I have a solution[This makes both of them raise a brow at her] Let me train him.

Almost everyone looks at the screen in shock.

Amara and Percy share a smile. Even though she wasn't and still isn't easy on him, she taught him so much and in a way he understood as well.

[Chiron lets out a big sigh while Mr D looks highly amused]

Chiron: Amara you have to understand, Annabeth and Luke have been doing this for years, and I am not sure you are up for the job. [Making Amara looked annoyed]

"Oh she is up for the job, she has trained agents for years with us" James states.

"You have just made her want to prove her point even more, don't tell her that she can't do something she will prove to you ten times more she can" Daphne groans, Chiron sighs at his past self, she really did prove him wrong.

Amara: Give me a week. [She says making them fully look at her both in curiosity] Give me a week, and if no improvements of his knowledge or skills has improved I will step back and let it be. If it makes you feel better he can still have lessons with Luke and Annabeth, I will find time in-between or before. [She says with determination, showing them she can do this]

"A week? That's it?" Will asks confused.

"A week was all I needed with Amara" Percy says with a smile, thinking about the big improvement he made.

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