Into The Chamber

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[Amara and Theo slide wicked fast, in a hair- raising vertical plummet, catching a glimpse of each other, smaller pipes branching off in all directions, twisting and turning until the pipe levels off, dropping them onto a damp floor of a stone tunnel. Theo lands in a stump while Amara lands in a crotch]

"Poser" Yelena snorts while Amara glares at her with no heart behind it.

[Lockhart is seeing staring miserable at the muck dripping from his robes as Amara and Theo look around cautiously around them with wands in hand, lit up]

Those who are dying for acting sit forwards more while her close friends and family are worrying about Amara.

Amara: Remember, any sign of movements close your eyes straight away [Theo nods in understanding]

[Amara leads the way down the tunnel. CRUNCH! They look down and see a rats skull. All around them, the ground is littered with tiny skeletons. Theo squints, sees something huge and curved lying ahead]

Aphrodite and her children scrunch their noses in disgust.

Theo: Amara, Up ahead

[Amara raises her wand higher on alert as they approach, the light revels, a giant coil of empty skin]

"It's a Carthaginian serpent" "It's a Basilisk" Remus and Poseidon breath out in shock, but then look at each other in confusion.

"They are the same in a way but the Basilisk has evolved for the new world it lives in while the Carthaginian hasn't" Hecate explains not easing anyone's worries.

"Just so you know this is my first" Amara says as if it isn't a big deal shocking those who knows what she means.

"Wait this is your first!" The strolls, Hermes and Ares say in shock which she nods at in reply.

"And I thought mine was cool" Percy says with wide eyed.

confusing most in the hall who had no clue what they were talking about.

Theo: Bloody hell, It's like twenty feet long. or more

[THUD! They turn around on high alert to find Lockhart passed out]

Amara: Oh, for fuck sake!

Lupin groans into his hands at this so called 'professor'

Theo: Heart of a lion that one![He snorts as he kneels by him. Lockhart's eyes flash open and grabs the wand out of Theo's hand scrambling to his feet]



"What the hell"

Lockhart: The adventure ends here children! But don't fret! The world will know our story. How I was too late to save you both. Both losing your minds at the sight of the snakes skin. Say your goodbye's to your memories [Raises his wand] Obliviate!

"I'll kill him" James says with a glare.

"We'll help" those who are close with Amara say with a matching glare

[Amara raises her wand with fast sending the spell back to him before it can hit them. Lockhart is sent off his feet while a great jet of fire into the rocks above. As rubble rains, Theo leaps one way and Amara goes another]

Most are on the edge of their seats.

[Amara sits up looking around the settling dust, she then notices that a solid wall of broken rocks seals the tunnel between her and Theo]

Everyone who cares for Amara is now worried seeing that she is now on her own even if they know she can take care for her self.

Amara: Theo! Theo are you okay?

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