Part 5 1/2

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Steve was jolted from his thoughts when Eddie's van pulled up and parked. Eddie got out, running a hand through his long brown hair. He frowned when he spotted Steve. His frown turned into a look of shock and fear as Steve stood up. "Steve?!" Eddie ran up to him and quickly let them into his trailer. He grabbed Steve's suitcase before Steve could and ushered his boyfriend inside. He turned and engulfed him in a hug. "What happened?!" He pulled away. He noticed the angry red bruise on Steve's face and gasped. "My mom..." Steve managed to say before the tears made there come-back. Eddie hugged him again, his heart breaking for his lover. "Can I stay here tonight?" "Of course love, but we should get to bed, it's a school night." Eddie smiled kindly.

As they settled into bed, Eddie remembered something. "Steve, did you take off your Binder?" "Yes Eddie, it's on top of my suitcase." Satisfied, Eddie crawled into bed beside his boyfriend. "Eddie?" "Yes love?" "Do you still see me as Sandy?" "Of course not Stevie, all I see is my handsome boyfriend." "Good, because she's dead."

Once again,  just an ending to part 5. Have a good day :)

The Day She Died [Steddie, trans Steve]✔️Where stories live. Discover now