Age of Strife: Docam Fortress

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The clear sky and the waving grass. The sturdy trees and their shaking leaves. The soft wind and the mountains, to which they always seemed to be in view. A peaceful and tranquil atmosphere that so many take for granted. 

An atmosphere that is maintained despite the ground trembling. The massive creature was moving on a dirt path, but its size meant it wasn't actually "on" it. Instead, it was moving over the path as its "tracks", or so the angel had called them, were not touching said path. 

Speaking of, the angel was making her uncommon appearance in the outside world and was flying about as though she were just stretching her wings. She looked carefree with the way she was hovering and spinning around the creature. 

None of the creature's heads were looking at the angel though, and it seemed to be in deep thought. More often than not, it would deviate from a straight path of travel and correct itself only when its tracks were well on one side of the path. 

The angel seemed to take note of this and decided to provide an alternative distraction for the creature. A ball-sized magic sphere appeared in her hands, and she tossed it at the creature's biggest head. 

It bounced off like any regular ball would, confusing the creature. One of its heads spun around, and just as it was about to spot where the ball landed, the ball disappeared. The creature's main head looked up at the angel, the ball in her hand as though she had never thrown it. 

She smiled, and threw the ball again, this time hitting the creature's side. Instead of bouncing, it stuck to the creature like it had been glued on. The creature looked at where it had last seen the ball, then back at the angel. 

The ball reappeared in the angel's hands again, and she threw it just under the creature's main head. It spun around, trying to interact with the ball, but it couldn't reach it. So instead, the ball shimmied across its body, stopping as it hovered over one of the creature's smaller "snouts".

The angel used her hands to gesture towards herself, and the head that had the magic ball turned towards her. Instead of making the loud roar it usually let out, the head instead shot the ball back with a quiet pop. 

The angel caught the ball with ease despite its speed, and the creature's small head waved its snouts up and down like how one would wave their arms. She laughed, and tossed the ball back. 

The angel then decided to make this game of catch a bit more interesting. She started flying circles above the creature, and threw the ball so that it curved. The creature's head expertly tracked the angel, shooting the ball back at her without missing. 

And it didn't miss a single time. 

It looked like the creature was somehow cheating, but then again the angel was the one who had created the magic ball so she could do whatever she wanted with it. Like make it disappear mid throw, or make it do a sharp turn that it otherwise shouldn't have been able to. 

The angel then started doing tricks with the ball, like making it fly under and over the creature, sending its heads spinning in every direction. Or make the ball fly backwards when the creature had it, thus making it phase through the creature's head. 

"See? Isn't this more like it?" she said as the creature's heads almost whacked each other. "Liven up! There's still fun to be had in between everything else. Spending a few moments like this isn't so bad, no?"

The creature shot the ball back in agreement. "It does remind oneself of their younger days, doesn't it? I will say, this is my first time seeing your infant self. Oh? You would rather not have me comment on that? Why?"

"Is it usually this embarrassing for mortals to discuss what they were like when they were babies?" the angel teased. "How adorable. You even have pictures of yourself when you were that age."

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