Age of Strife: The Empire

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"You have no idea what you did, do you?" said the angel as she crossed her legs and leaned against an Oerlikon turret. "You've never fully grasped the consequences of your actions, have you?"


"I suspected as much." She sighed. "Simia, Octa, Avis, and Glykon. They were all Titan-classed creatures. Petra was its own unique category, while Lerna, Rapix, Nyph, and Cerberus were real Titans. And of course, there's Kronos."

"You see what I'm getting at?"

No, not really. 

"The first four were Titan-classed, while the four after Petra were actual Titans. I know it might not seem like that much of a deal, but there's a significant power difference between a creature designated as a class of Titan, and a real Titan."

"Kill all of them however, and you end up with a power void no matter what. With the kings of the land and sea gone, guess who took their place?" She looked at his turrets expectantly. 

"Yep. The mortals. And with no enforcers within the land; Lerna, Rapix, and everyone else, they were allowed to grow exponentially. And we end up with the land of today."

"Of course, Kronos could police everything by itself if it was still alive. You can see why the gods were so upset at losing their Chosen, right?"

"What do you mean, you don't care? Don't you see how big of an impact you've had on this world? I certainly hope I'm not detecting ignorance within your mind," she said sternly. 

It's not ignorance, just cluelessness. His mind can't comprehend consequences with that much of a ripple effect through time. 

The angel snorted lightly. "I don't know if that's worse, but I guess it's better than ignorance. Knowing the mortal brain, it's not intelligence you're lacking. Just experience."

She sat up. "Don't relax just yet. We're not out of these woods completely, so I suggest you start looking in that direction," she said, pointing. "I'll be going inside, if that's okay with you?"

She walked over to a hatch and opened it, somehow bypassing the lock. "Hmm? What about me?" she said, turning around. "Oh, my armor. Don't worry, I feel fine. My temperature is always regulated, so I never feel too hot or too cold."

"Why don't I take it off? Well, it's simple. My armor protects me, and going without it would be very foolish." She tapped her helmet. "I suppose taking this off would be fine when we're just having a normal conversation."

"Yes yes, that sounds weird, taking off the most important part of my armor, but by doing this I can stop your subconsciousness from nagging the back of your mind. And don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about. I know very well what puts you at ease."

"No I don't have casual clothes, and no they wouldn't look like white robes if I did have any. The image in your head is a bit too... unrefined for my tastes. Though I don't mind the rest of it," she teased, dropping down the hatch hole. 

"Oh, and a word of advice," she said, her voice echoing from the bottom of the hatch as it slowly closed on its own. The Oerlikon turret she had leaned against spun to life.

"Mortals don't like to lose."

*          *          *

The birds had stopped chirping long ago, their home being ripped apart by shell fire and broken bones. His cannons pierced the trees, splitting them asunder as his pursuers scattered around fallen logs. 

Autocannon rounds smeared the ground with fragmented metal as the smell of smoke intensified. The humans could do little to get closer as not even the forest animals were spared. 

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