Age of Titans: Octa

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Through the gun lens of one of the rear Maus turrets, he noticed the ocean moving. Pretty normal, considering that the ocean always has waves crashing against the shoreline. But what really caught his attention was when one of the waves rose above all the others; and kept rising.

Painstakingly maneuvering himself so that he could face the ocean at an angle, the wave rose to the size of a tsunami, until something finally broke the water. As the wave washed over him, getting rid of the blood sticking to his armor, he was met with another eye-boggling sight.

A massive octopus squid-thing emerged, easily towering over him. If the size disparity between himself and the giant monkey was noticeable, then this was just blatantly obvious that he was smaller, and by a large margin.

A single one of the suction cups on one of the many octopus's tentacles was already half his size, and not only that, but the tentacle itself was fucking ginormous, fucking long, and looked fucking tough. It had literal barnacles sticking to it too, giving it this stony-ish texture.

And don't even get started with the main body. He estimated that a good chunk of it was still under the water, and even then, the length of the body was easily a city block long. Shining under the sun, it still looked squishy like any other squid; the same could be said for its eyes.

He could only see one of them, but just like everything else, it was so big that it was really creepy. Have you ever seen an eyeball the size of a living room? Neither has he, but he now has had the unfortunate privilege of viewing such a thing.

This deep blue colored octopus was essentially a kraken on steroids, and its tentacles seemed to be most affected in particular. One of them shot out at lightning speeds that shouldn't have been able to be achieved by something of that size, and promptly smacked itself against the Ratte.

The disgustingly squishy sound that occurred was nowhere near as adrenaline inducing as the force of impact. The 1000 ton block of steel slid backwards by 5 or so feet, kicking up dirt and tearing grass. He was once again put into shock, but this time, he knew what he was doing.

Well, a rough idea anyway.

One thing that really bothered him was why a deep sea creature was near the shore of all places. He didn't even know that a giant squid could survive in shallower waters without suffocating. And yet, here this thing was, waving its dozen or so tentacles in all of its glory.

He noticed that one of his gun sights was levelled onto another tentacle that was closing in rapidly. Not giving it a second thought, he gave the command to fire-


He had hit the jackpot. The main guns fired, and the dual 280 mm shells easily ripped off a section of the tentacle. Despite its appearance, it wasn't as tough as it looked. Guess all things made out of flesh aren't as strong as their metallic counterparts.

As the tentacle fell into the ocean, the other appendages went into a frenzy, waving in the air at unprecedented speed and unpredictability. Its main body stirred, causing meters upon meters of tidal waves to flood onto the shore.

All at once, its tentacles immediately shot at him, wrapping around the Ratte and actually lifting him off the ground. Rising a few inches, his body-or rather, his chassis-was tilted upwards and closer to the squid.

Giving him the elevation he needed.


Both of the Maus turrets fired, with one shell completely missing and landing harmlessly in the water with a big splash. The other however, landed dead on a tentacle. While not completely tearing it off like the 280 mm, the severed tentacle was barely hanging on, attached by only a thin line of skin.

Reincarnated in Another World as a P. 1000 RatteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora