❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝒩𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 ✿❩

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic looks at the gray inhibitor rings on his wrists, he didn't know what they do, but he didn't was to take them off either so he just leave them be. "Mama..." Shadic called out tears in the corner of his eyes, reaching out to Sonic, Shadow was trying to feed him with some of the formula, that he was refusing to eat, "No...Shadic, your Daddy isn't poisoning you I promise." Sonic responded rubbing underneath the pup's chin. Shadow just smiles cradling Shadic in his arms. "He has even let me chance to put it in mouth..." he tells Sonic.

Shadic only whimpers sniffing before he was about to cry, but Shadow gently pushes the nipple of the baby bottle into Shadic's mouth. The pup started to suck on it, drinking the formula that was inside the bottle, it didn't taste right to him. In tasted terrible, he just shoves it out of mouth making a disgusted face at the bottle before sobbing. "Come on...Shaundre, it's not any different from Mommy's milk."

Sonic blinks before a blush formed on his cheeks he didn't thing he let Shadow try any of his milk, it's only been two weeks since they got back to their home on the Ark, and the blue hedgehog was relieved, he was getting tired of moving from to place, helping the other Mobians get motivation to continue about their normal lives even if they lost their loved ones. He gave a speech that morning to help keep his people motivated, but he wasn't a leader, despite what others tell him. "Come on Shadic...just one more try." Shadow tells the pup who only gave the ebony hedgehog an angry look on his face and just turns his head when the bottle was pushed closer to his face.

"Here Shadow..." Sonic said handing over another baby bottle that was filled with milk. "What is in that one..."

Sonic cheeks were a bright shade of red, "Well...Mom gave me this thing, that is us to-" he felt a finger on his lips "I don't want to hear more...but I'll take your word." He said just holding the bottle up to Shadic's face, the pup sniffs it before letting the ebony hedgehog put into his mouth, and he started to drink from bottle. "We can start doing it in halves..."

Maria hugs Sonic's hips whimpering, she's been beside him for two hours waiting patiently, she's getting better with sharing the attention with her younger sibling, and helping with keeping him entertained. "Okay okay...Thank you for waiting." The blue hedgehog said picking up Maria, and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Only been here for a week, and everyone is asking for your attention, Hero of Mobius." Shadow said kissing his husband on the ear.

"I know...I don't mind it, if anything it makes me feel special." Sonic said "Now what is it Mar-Mar?"

"Spin!" She said her tail wagging.

"Maria..." Sonic said, she knows that his daughter wants to know how to spin dash, but he really can't teach her cause the Ark isn't actually that safe, well it is but he doesn't have a way to train her, it's not like Chaos Abilities where they can go into a field and practiced it's More of needs a track, and the track that's on the Ark is outside and in Space. He lets out a sigh, he's probably gonna regret teaching her inside, but he could use the fresh air, "Are you gonna be okay If I take her?"

Shadow kisses Sonic's cheek, "Of course, I can handle him being fussy." Sonic nodded and puts Maria down who already had her shoes on, and ran to the door, she know the code to open it, nor could she reach the number pad that was installed. Sonic slips his shoes on and his cropped top jacket over his black short sleeved hooded shirt, turning on his communicator. Punching the numbers in and the door slides open, Maria runs out excited, Sonic only sighs he waves Shadow good bye before bolting off after his daughter, the metal door shutting behind him.

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