❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓃 ✿❩

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic was carried bridal style by his husband, with Shadic in his arms who just nuzzling into Sonic purring enjoying his warmth. The blue hedgehog didn't look that great and he was trying to stay awake. Shadow was following behind Sonia, Tails' Workshop was huge but wasn't enough for everyone, and wasn't fair for Sonic to back the only bed while everyone slept on the floor, and his Parents-In-Laws decided that staying in their quarters would be better, while Tails worked on his project to help Sonic feel stable. As soon as the metal doors opened the group was met with an interesting sight, to the siblings is wasn't any different from when they all grow up together, it was a replica of the castle that they grew up in.

"Wow..." Maria said as she ran up to the family portraits that were in the entrance. The first one was of the Hedgehog Siblings when they were probably around ten years old, Manic was wearing a red jacket instead of his black jacket, but with a silver necklace that had a drum charm on it, standing next to him, was Sonic, who was wearing a white shirt, a dark blue short sleeve vest, with a hot pink skirt, with black shorts underneath, the same necklace but with a guitar charm, her arm was wrapped around another blue hedgehog that had sapphire blue eyes the name necklaces with the same charm, the two blue hedgehog's looked like identical twins, just with a height difference. Sitting on the opposite side of the other blue hedgehog was Sonia with the same necklace just a keyboard charm on it. Aleena with a tiara on her head was standing behind them leaning up against Jules who was wearing a crown on his head. Beside the portrait was another one, but of the hedgehog siblings being in their midteens, Sonic having the surgical scars on his chest his arm still wrapped around Scourge, who had green fur and the scars on his chest, but a younger Tails in center of the two twins with a smile on his face as he had two peace signs.

"Ain't that Something?" Knuckles said adjusting his hat looking at the portraits, he kind of knew that Sonic and Scourge were identical twins after all he had to learn that the hard way when he punched Scourge leaving the green hedgehog with the scars on his chest, but he didn't know the blue hedgehog was trans, it didn't really change his opinion on the blue hedgehog though.

"So cool!" Skylar said his tails wagging at the sight of seeing his Dad in the family portrait.

"Hehe..." Aleena snickered as she puts a hand on Shadow's shoulder "Come, I know a room wearing you can lay him down, Hun" she said to the ebony hedgehog, she holds her hand out for Maria who took it.

Jules took the broken robot from Tails motioning the fox to follow him, Tails nodded and started to follow his adopted Dad, Fiona following after him taking Skylar hand, it was a big place and she didn't want to loose her son.

Scourge lets out a soft sigh, Sally walking up to him seeing the portrait of all of five of them, she couldn't help but to smile she knew the green hedgehog had some good in him even if he tries to deny it and hide it. "At least you did the right thing with turning your in." She said to the green hedgehog who only growled at her. "I didn't have a choice...it was turn myself in...or let those backstabbing assholes harm my family..." He mutters, Scourge got into a lot of trouble in his teen years, he was just tired of people comparing him to his twin brother, Sonic, so he turned to a life of crime getting back at Fiona for breaking both of his brothers' hearts to only end up falling in love with her. He's been through a lot, and now he didn't have much of a choice but help his people...be a look out for Colony, on Mobius, since he was a criminal he knows all the routes to get around Mobius without getting detected by the Security Bots, but he just didn't want to see his twin brother go...not this soon if anything as much as he hated the azure hedgehog he cared about him. "Come on Knux, Silver..." he said going off in the direction that his Mom went down. Silver nodded and followed after the green hedgehog, Knuckles doing the same, leaving the girls with Sonia and Manic.

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