❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓋𝑒 ✿❩

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|Third Person POV|

"I heard what happened..." Blaze said to Shadow her ears pinned to her head. "He's fine Blaze...I got it handled." Blaze only snickers. "I know you got it, I just wish I wasn't dealing with Sol stuff when Metal attacked..." she shakes her head before looking into the room, to see the blue hedgehog was still awake. "Well I'm glad that your back Shadow...your tough and we never gave up on hope." Shadow smiled and nodded, before waving Blaze bye and telling her good night he sets back letting the metal door slide close, he gaze shifted to Sonic who was wide awake in the bed.

Sonic was just fumbling with the strap that was connected to the a cord of a heart monitor that was next to the hospital bed, he understood the blood pouch that was dipping blood into his blood stream, with his watch just updating of his blood pressure. He still didn't have color to his face, Shadic started to whimper before he full on started to cry, Maria who was laying on the cot hugging Jazz just stirs in her sleep.

Shadow goes over to the bassinet, picking up Shadic, "Ssh, it's okay Shadic..." he said cradling the newborn in his arms rocking him in his arms, Shadic only cries, the ebony hedgehog only held him close to his chest trying to shush him.

"I think he's hungry Shadow..." Sonic said, holding out his arm, Shadow only softly sighs before passing Shadic over to Sonic, the blue hedgehog pats Shadic "Hey hey...Your okay Shadic...I'm here." Sonic tells the newborn before pulling him closer to his chest, Shadic whimpers nuzzling into Sonic's chest as he started sucking on the azure hedgehog's nipple gripping Sonic's chest. The blue hedgehog kisses Shadic's forehead.

Shadow just rubs Shadic's head with his finger, before nuzzling Sonic's cheek, "You really need sleep, Love..." he tells Sonic. The azure hedgehog only looks down, he really didn't want to tell Shadow why he couldn't sleep. He just pats Shadic's back when Sonic got a small burp he passes the newborn over to Shadow to put him back in the bassinet. Shadow rocks Shadic a little bit before tucking him back into bed. "Sonic?..."

"I can't...and it's not because of Shadic...its the hospital, I just hate this place...and I know that if I keep doing the things that I do I'm just gonna end up back here..." Sonic admits as his quills stood on end in self defense Shadow took notice of this, there was a reason why Sonic had a big fear of hospitals, and he hard the story, but it still worries him that his husband isn't sleeping, sure he may not look tired but the ebony hedgehog knows. He climbs into the bed with Sonic, to the blue hedgehog's surprised it's not that the wasn't big enough for two people since it was as if the nurse knew that they were a married couple, Shadow pets Sonic's quills down, he was rather used to being pricked by his husband. "You know I'm not gonna let anything happen to you..." Shadow said Sonic only pinned his ears down. "S-Shadow..." Sonic swallows the lump in his throat, before felt Shadow nuzzle into his cheek. "Ssh, I'm here..."

Sonic painfully turned to Shadow, ignoring the pain in his arm from the needle being pushed deeper into his arm, he just nuzzles into the white fluff of Shadows, before the ebony hedgehog flipped him around so he wasn't laying on the needle. Holding him close, he kisses the blue hedgehog's ear, Sonic just takes up Shadow's scent a smile showing on his muzzle, and he slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

⚠️ Warning Mentions of Rape ⚠️

Sonic was sitting in the waiting room, she paid for her own surgery, but she had her siblings' number on her phone in case she needed anything or if something happened to her, she didn't know how long the surgery was gonna last. She was black wearing sweatpants, and black sleeveless shirt that covered her D size breasts the only skin that was showing was her abdomen and arms and shoulders, a dark blue hoodie tied around her waist. This was the last step she needed.

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