❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝒯𝑒𝓃 ✿❩

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|Inside Shadow's Mind POV|

"Come on..."

The ebony hedgehog was trying get his body to move he heard from the scientists that were assigned to this project that he was almost at hundred percent complete, but he still needed to know if he move his body or at least open his eyes completely, his ear twitches when he heard another voice.


That sounded like Sonic now he really wants to move his body, maybe open his eyes, he wanted to see if his husband was okay. He sounded okay, but he was he mentally okay. He really had to know.


He cried out he falls to his knees, he can feel the tears forming in his eyes. He just desperately needed to feel his husband. He pushes himself to try harder this time he is so close to get himself to move. He didn't hear the voices anymore from the outside he was alone in his thoughts now but this gives him a chance to focus at least to get his control of his body.

|End of Shadow's Mind|

|Third Person POV|

Sonic was holding Shadic in his arms he didn't bother to asked about his husband's progression of recovery, it's been four months and three days since Shadow has been in a coma for he didn't have hope that his husband was gonna come back to him anytime soon, since it was a bit to early a sigh escapes his lips before his ear twitches, he held only Maria's hand it may not being running but it was enough exercise for him, even if it wasn't running.

Maria just held Sonic's hand she was excited to hangout out with her cousin today and show her Mom, what she learned from her uncle, as well maybe she can go on a race with her cousin, but she was worried about her mother, he really hasn't been himself lately, at least not her understanding, she knows that her Mom is happy with her and her little brother. She just shakes her head, she didn't understand what her mother was feeling but she was gonna be there for him no matter what happens.

Sonic was about to say something before Ark's alerts go off and the place started to blink red. "What the..." he said he was gonna have to make a decision quick, he felt Maria hug his hip whimpering. "Mommy...w-what's going on?" She asked her voice was a bit shaken, Sonic had flatten his ears, he knows Maria was scared, he was probably gonna regret doing this but he needed to keep both of his kids safe he passed Shadic over to Maria. Maria held Shadic like a stuffed animal cause she was small she had tears in her eyes are she looked up at Sonic. "M-Mommy..." she said her lip quivering, Shadic also looked at Sonic his ears pinned as he was scared and confused. "Maria...listen to me, I need you Chaos Control you and your brother out of here...to anyone Uncle Silver, Uncle Manic, or your Aunts..."

"B-But..." Maria said tears to stream down her cheeks, Shadic has also started to cry only because his older sister started to cry. "Maria...I promised...I'm not gonna leave you, but your safety is more important." He gives the small hedgehog a kiss on the forehead. Maria closes her eyes as she just chaos controls, holding her brother in her arms away. Sonic stood up before he bolted off he maybe a little rusty but this was his job, to be a hero, but he didn't put in count of how exhausted his body was from the lack of sleep and him cutting himself it doesn't matter since he was gonna protect both his family and his people.

Sally was trying to make sure everyone was safe as well as trying to locate the intruder. "Sal?" Sally turns her attention to her husband her eyes widen at the two crying hedgehogs that Manic was holding in his arms, this could only mean. "Dang it Sonic!" She growled.

"A-Auntie..." Maria whimpered as she was just huddled around her baby brother who was just sobbing uncontrollably, into his sister. Sally narrow her eyes as she just picks up Maria and cradles her. "It's okay...Maria...You're Mother is gonna be okay..." she said to her. "I promise, he's brave just like you are..."

Maria sniffs and snuggles into Sally crying softly into the chipmunk. Sally hands Shadic over to Manic while she was dealing with Maria, she trusted Sonic, but from what Tails told her the blue hedgehog didn't look so good when they visited him to tell him the truth about his husband...but knowing the blue hedgehog, he always finds away to push himself even if he was exhausted. Manic was rocking Shadic in his arms at least he wasn't that terrible with babies he was just being care with his bangs, but Shadic had started to just whimper instead of sobbing he was just fussy, she doesn't expect the newborn to know what's going on at the moment, she lets out a sigh as she didn't get a chance to see who the intruder was.

Sonic was running, dodging lasers that was being fired at him, behind him was a metal version of himself, he knew sending the kids away was a good idea. He just curls into a ball to homing attack at Metal Sonic. Metal just charges an electric charge before firing it at Sonic who only yelped and was thrown into the laboratory floor in front of the tank where his husband was floating in. He just growls, his was already bleeding and beaten up have to had leaded Metal away from his people, he just didn't any idea he lead Metal here, he gets up holding Metal off with his hands. "Nrgh...it's this all you got..." he taunted his Metal Counterpart, who's red dots glowed a bright red he pulls his arm back punching the blue hedgehog hard in the face making Sonic grunt in pain, but he just charges a spin dash up before launching himself at Metal who kicked Sonic off to the side, the blue hedgehog coughs when he hit the floor hard, he was to weak to fight, of course he had to get exhausted doing the days that he had Shadic. He struggles to lift himself up. He holds his side that was deeply bleeding from Metal digging it's claws into his side that was only adding onto the pain that he was feeling when fighting it was gonna leave a nasty scar.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HIM!!" A voice growled before Metal could react a green glowing spear was thrown through his Metal neck making the robot fall backwards, the Ebony hedgehog, was had liquid dripping from his quills having to have been busted himself out of the tank, he looks down at the robot before getting into its face "You tell the Fatass of A Doctor, that he picked the wrong...Colony to mess with..." he said to Metal just spearing the robot in the head watch the robot struggle before shutting down. He turns his attention to the blue hedgehog who looked up at him tears forming in his eyes.

"S...Shadow?..." Sonic stuttered before he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him. "I'm...here..." Shadow tells the blue hedgehog, who just broke down into sobs hugging his husband. "Shadow!!" He sobbed out.

Shadow just pulls the blue hedgehog closer to him, finally he can hold his husband, his cries just made him want to cry with the blue hedgehog but right now he just wanted to hold him. He pulls Sonic's chin up, and presses his lips onto the blue hedgehog's lips. Sonic's tearing eyes widen before he just kisses Shadow back, he had a mix of emotions, sadness and happiness. He was glad to hold his husband, but he was also upset because he missed the ebony hedgehog.

"Sonic!" Amy stops when she sees what was going, she only smiles to herself, the azure hedgehog was safe and was reunited with the ebony hedgehog, the darker hedgehog missed a lot when he was in the coma, but she understood that the two needed each other now. She just backs away waving her hands at the camera to notify that everything was okay on this side of the ark.

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