❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝒮𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃 ✿❩

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|Third Person POV|

Sonic's ear twitches, when he heard people cooing at something and the sound of his son whimpering. He shifts in the bed opening his eyes to see what was going on, his body was still sore from yesterday, and from just crying to himself last night, he looks over at the bassinet and sees his siblings crowding around Shadic who was whimpering as if he was about to cry, probably not use to the attention he was getting right now. Sonic just rubbing his eyes before letting out a yawn, he saw that Shadow's jacket was on the chair did his Mom take it off of him or did he? It doesn't matter, "Morning...Everyone?"

"Sonic!" His Siblings said when they heard him speak they turned their attention over to him, before they flinched when Shadic just burst into tears, just unable to handle the attention, he was getting from the faces that he didn't recognize yet. "I told you three to not crowd around the newborn..." Aleena said with her hand on her hip.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart..." Aleena said to the newborn picking him up from the bassinet, gently handing him over to Sonic. Who cradles the newborn trying to quiet him down.

"Sorry Mom." The three said to Aleena, who only pointed to the door for them to get out. "Only at a time." She hissed the three hedgehog's flinch at the hiss before they dashed out of the room to wait for their turn. Aleena shakes her head folding her arms. "Sorry about that Sonic...if I'd known better they wouldn't have woken him up."

Sonic just pats the newborn's back, as it was drinking from his nipple, it was hungry and frighten at the sight off all three hedgehog looking at him. Sonic looks back at Aleena. "Mom..."

"Yes dear?"

"Are you guys keeping something from me?" Sonic asked rather upset about Shadow not showing up, cause he knows the ebony hedgehog is smart enough to actually get some his memories back, and he knows that the hedgehog got his arm ripped off but that was just an easy fix, but was there something else that they weren't telling him. Aleena looks away nervously she didn't want to lie to her son, since they are family. "Of course not honey." She said sitting down in the chair next to him.

Sonic only looks down, he lets out a sigh. Shadic had already finished he was only sucking on his thumb purring. "Thanks Mom, I guess." He admits he didn't want her to feel bad so he accepts the answer he got, if anything he really wanted to see Shadow, and not be single parent of two kids. He smiles down at Shadic at least he has his son.

"Look Sonic...I know you miss Shadow, but right now. Shadic and Maria need you." Aleena tells her son only nodded

"I know Mom, I...It's just gonna get hard, from here, but I know I can count on Maria to at least help." He admits with a small, just feeling Shadic nuzzle into his stomach curling up into a small spike ball, though his quills were to soft to actually do arm to anyone, but he was comfortable.

"I know you can do it," Aleena smiles giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Do you want me to hold off on letting your siblings see him?"

"Please...I think he's still tired, like I am." Sonic said the metal door slide open and Maria walked into the room. "Can I...cuddle?"

Sonic blinks he had notice Maria was with his siblings but she was an exception since she was only six and didn't understand the whole "Give me space" kind of thing, the blue hedgehog only smiled scooping her up and placing her to his side. "Of course Mar-Mar, I missed you my little Princess." Sonic said giving her kiss on the side of her head she only closes her eyes, she was still small but bigger than Shadic was but just to small to hold her sibling in her arms.

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