❨✿ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇✿𝓕𝒾𝓋𝑒 ✿❩

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|Third Person POV|

"I really do hope Shadow, comes back to us..." Amy said holding a container of home cooked breakfast, walking beside her was Sally, Blaze, Sonia, Fiona, and Rouge.

"I hope so two...Sonic didn't look that good last night, his cries kind of broke my heart..." Rouge said letting out a sigh. She folded her arms as she walked, there were a lot of Scientists working today. She only blinks, Shadow must be show a lot more activity than yesterday, but it's still to early to tell if he can be released from the tank. From what she saw the wounds he took was much dangerous than him just having his arm ripped off. She gritted her teeth as much of a friend Omega was they didn't know Eggman was planning on hacking into his system. It pained her to want to leave behind a friend, Nay, family to her.

"There's a lot of Scientists working today..." Sonia said breaking the silence, when the group of girls walked into the lab.

"I guess Shadow is showing signs of life..." Blaze said as she stopped in front of the tank, to she can see that he was struggling with something inside his mind. She's not a mind reader but she can understand what its like to be lost in one's thoughts, after the events in Soleanna. She two found herself in this situation but she can on offer Shadow the guidance he needs. Whatever form that guidance took it had to be someone he can could recognize.

"Come on Blaze, after what Rouge told us about Sonic last night, I've very worried." Amy said taking a hold of Blaze's hand and pulling her along. Blaze stumbles before following after Amy, a small pink shade forming over her muzzle. Fiona lets out a small little giggle.

"You two are cute sometimes, reminds me of how Tails and I were when he got older." Fiona said her tail swaying slightly behind her, at thought of her husband, just brings a smile on her muzzle. She always knew how sweet Tails was and she was glad that she gave the two-tailed fox a chance when he was legal enough.

Sonic was sitting up from his bed, he didn't really get much sleep the last two weeks, he just couldn't help his sobbing fits, he had Maria on his lap holding open the story book that she picked out to read to her sibling, if anything it helped keep the baby calm long enough for him to adjust himself, he helps her with the hard words that she couldn't pronounce. His ear twitches when the door opened, he saw the group of his gal pals, and smiled. "Hey Girls..." Sonic greeted. Maria was just purring as she had her head resting on Sonic's stomach hearing her sibling purr back at her.

"Hey Sonic...I made you breakfast, in case you hadn't eaten yet." Amy smiled as she walks over to the bed and puts her cute pink container on the small table. "Rouge told up what happened yesterday..." She added her ears drooping to her head.

"I'm okay...I just had a lot to get out those days." Sonic admits he closes the book setting it on the other table that had a bottle of water, and an empty cup of orange juice.

Sonia rests her head on the arm the of the bed, "So bed bound?"

"What no!?...Just confined to this room..." Sonic growls at his sister. It is normal for him to have a little bit of a Sibling rivalry with his siblings, him and Scourge even as kids got into fist fights often, cause of how similar they looked. Just that Scourge was born with natural blue eyes, and he was born as a female. Sonia only snickers as she takes Maria from him, who didn't mind she only giggles. "Mommy's tummy, is like a pillow...I can see why Brother likes it in there." She smiled, she is of course only six years old so it's best for her just make assumption on how babies are born, don't want a to scar a hedgehog who's abilities are unstable enough to be a bomb.

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