Felix threw his arms around my waist and became rocking me back and forth in a very playful manner. Which earned a distasteful look from the older man as they fully passed us. I wanted to glare back at them, but Felix's action almost knocked me off my feet and Jeongin laughed at us.

"Felix!" I groaned and he just laughed, continuing his behavior. I swatted at him and he let go. I sent him a glare and he took of running so I chased him, Jeongin following behind me to watch the drama play out.

Damn, Felix was fast. Only proof that he never truly smoked a cigarette and it was just for show. He would've been on the ground dying by now. Eventually I got up to him and tackled him, accidentally landing us both on the ground and we both made an oof sound.

Jeongin hurled over himself with laughter at the scene and I broke into laughter as well as I rolled off of Felix. He rolled onto his side to watch my fit of laughter with a wide smile, ultimately make my laugh slow to a stop with his stare.

"Alright. Off the ground you two." Jeongin chuckled as he stuck out his hands for us to grab. From that point, we all walked the pathway hand in hand. I smiled at seeing that Jeongin never let go of Felix's hand, and vice versa.

Previously, the thought of them getting along with each other too well.. bugged me. But now, I was extremely happy about it. I wasn't gonna be torn between the two of them anymore.

"You know. It's actually quite peaceful. The cold sucks, but it's still nice." I broke the silence.

"Yea. I come here a lot at night, mostly to think." Felix replied. Instantly he attention was dragged elsewhere. A closed of pathway, the wasn't open to the public. At least not yet.

"Felix. Don't even think about it." I whisper yelled and Jeongin perked up at my tone.

"Too late." He pulled Jeongin with him, ultimately pulling me along as I couldn't pry my hand away from Jeongin's now tightened grip.

After stopping somewhere along the almost pitch black trail, the only light being the glow of the hidden city lights and the minuscule amount of stars about, we slowed our pace to a stop and I hit him on the shoulder.

"What is it with you and trespassing?" I was pretending to be upset but I was more amused than anything.

"He's done this before?" Jeongin asked, intrigued.

"Yea, when we first hung out together, he took me to an abandoned hotel." I didn't want to make it seem like a compliment, but in all honestly it was the best time I ever had with someone.

"So, you're a criminal." Jeongin turned to Felix with a smirk.

"Not really. More of a delinquent."

"Have you ever been arrested?" The blue haired boy asked.

"Only once. Was on probation for a while because of it. Then my grandparents switched me to that fancy private school." He shrugged.

"What for?"

"I don't want to say it. And it's even more embarrassing because it was a dare." Felix hid his face. Not I was curious. Jeongin and I both closed in on him and started poking him, antagonistically begging him to tell us.

"Come on. What? Did your friends dare you to run around the streets butt-naked?" Felix's head jerked upwards. Both mine and Jeongin's eyes went wide. "Shit. You were filled with public indecency?"

"Can't that put you on the sex offender list?! What were your friends thinking?" I tried not to raise my voice.

"I wasn't charge with fines or anything, I wasn't even a teenager yet. My grandparents talked them down to probation instead of sending me to juvie. They only settled for that after hearing the whole story and realizing I was still just a kid. It's not a big deal." Felix just shrugged it off.

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