Reasoning with him was a challenge. My little brother thinks he has it all figured out. Moving out at eighteen was never a problem. Money and having a home to come back to were not the main issues I had. Finding stability was my concern for him.

With everything that is happening with him and Skylar, something else is taking a huge toll on his mind. I don't know if it's the fact that it's his last year of high school and to enjoy himself why he could or the reality of having to figure out what to do for the rest of his life.

"And I will be supportive," Vince speaks up, the restraint in his voice obvious.

There was still so much to talk about, but the summer had been time-consuming for all of us. So much so, we were avoiding the 'elephants' in the room.

Shooting a look toward my siblings, they took my silent message in before stepping away to give me a moment to talk to Vince. They walk over to our mother and she nods

"I need a favor," I begin, glancing behind at the people I care about. at my siblings and my mother.

As if reading my mind, Vince says, "You don't need to ask," he nods discreetly towards my siblings and my mother. "They will be okay. I will ensure it."

I nodded while sighing. There was so much on my mind but I just couldn't let the words out. My mother was staring at me when I looked up after sensing some eyes on me.

My mother approaches me and says, "Mercer," as she stops close to me. "Can we talk?"

Vince looks down at her, and I don't notice how his jaw clenches in a frustrated manner.  My mother gives him an expression that says it all as she looks up at him. There is a longing. Vince nods sharply and moves over to Jules and Adrian to continue helping with my bags after so much has transpired between them silently.


She rubs at her hands, and she looks contrite. "I know I don't have much time before you leave and there is so much we have yet to discuss," As she exhales, she continues. "I know you hate me, and-"

"I don't hate you." I cut her off.

Hate was a strong word.

Despite all that my mother has done, I don't despise her. We're just in a hard place right now, and it's going to take a lot of work to build something stable.

"Mercer!" Jules shouts. "Your flight leaves in forty-five minutes!"

The look she gives me tells me that I don't have a lot of time. I still had to stop at the desk and make sure everything is right with my bags and ticket.

"Perhaps I could go to Los Angeles when you have some free time?" She offers in a hopeful tone.

"No," I shake my head, and I instantly regret it by the dejected expression on her face. Red's words suddenly come back to me as I exhale. I can't continue to avoid her. "I meant there will be lots of things happening. I can see if I can come back before Thanksgiving."

I didn't know how that was going to work, but it was something to work with.

"Okay-" Jules calls out my name again, this time with an apologetic look on her face as she looks at our mother.

I had to go.

"I guess I'll call you," I say, stepping forward in the direction of the doors.

She stands still and gives me a small smile, the sadness apparent as she holds herself together.

Patience. She seems genuine. She's trying, baby. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Your mother seems to have been through a lot in her past. Give her a chance to explain.

Fuck, Red. Her words were getting to me.

Turning, I hesitantly walked back to my mother and embraced her, kissing the side of her head. Her body freezes, and shock fills her.

Her arms wrap around me, squeezing hard before loosening her hold.

Without saying a word to her, I step in the direction of the entrance doors and prepare myself for this new start of my life.



Filler chapter.



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