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A/N: Hi this is a one shot about, yup, Jaya. We never see them fight like in a normal couple way which is amazing but what if they did. This is a sort of angsty one shot. So enjoy my interpretation of a Jaya fight. This takes place before Dragons Rising and shortly after Crystalized.

Jay and Nya never really fought. It was a foreign concept to the couple. They only fought when they were broken up. They bickered every now and then but that was mostly competition. If you were to ask anyone on the team they'll say that they live without conflict. They talked to each other when they had a problem and if one was about to start a fight they talked it out before it would escalate. Today was different.
It was a normal day for the ninja well less normal since they had absolutely nothing to do. No training, no saving, just chill out. Lloyd, Kia, and Cole were playing video games. Zane and P.I.X.A.L were in the den just enjoying each others company. Nya was looking for Jay. Jay was rummaging through a box of stuff labeled with his name.
Nya walked into his room and knocked on the door. He quickly shoved the box under his bed. "What's the box?" Nya asked curiously. "Nothin," Jay smiled plainly. Nya cocked her brow. She walked over and pulled it out. Jay groaned. Nya looked at it. "What is this stuff?" She asked. Jay sighed. "Just looking through old stuff of mine no biggie," he laughed. Nya searched through it and found papers. She thought it looked weird. It was mostly full of papers not usual things someone would label as old stuff they'd look through. Nya picked up a paper that read adoption certificate.
Nya looked at her boyfriend.
"Are these your adoption papers?" She asked. Jay nodded. "What made you look at these?" "No reason." "What aren't you telling me?" Jay sighed. "You don't need to press me on this it's really nothing," Jay said. Nya never really heard Jay give her the feeling that she was unwanted at the moment.
"Now I know something is up you can just tell me," Nya reassured. Jay closed his eyes and sighed. "I was hoping I'd find more about my parents," he admitted. "What?" "In my free time I figured it was a good time," he answered. "How long have you been looking at this stuff. Doing this?" She asked. "A few weeks," he confessed.
"Why didn't you tell me? Also you said you were done with this stuff," she crossed her arms.
"I didn't tell you because it's not that big of a deal and I changed my mind," he explained.
"Jay this is only going to get you hurt," she warned. "I don't care I've waiting so long I want to know who my family is and what happened to them!" Jay stated. They were both standing face to face. "You have a family! One that actually cares. Isn't that enough?" She interrogated. "You don't understand. You have your answers about your parents why can't I get mine?" Jay asked annoyed. He has never been annoyed with Nya not a single moment in his life. Can he remember ever being upset with her? "You have parents," Nya retorted. "I don't want to talk about this anymore," he said leaving his room Nya following closely behind him.
"Well I do!" Nya retaliated. Jay entered the gaming room. "Just drop it Nya!" Jay warned trying not to raise his voice. Everybody turned their attention to the couple as they had never heard Jay sound unhappy towards his girlfriend whom he adored with every bone in his body. Jay plopped down on the couch grumpily. "Jay I'm not going to fight with you in front of everyone." "Then don't," Jay retorted. Now everyone was in total shock.
"What happened?" Lloyd asked a little afraid. "Nothing!" Jay huffed. "No not nothing! You lied to me," Nya crossed her arms again. "Uh no I didn't I just didn't tell you cause it doesn't involve you," he said without looking at her.
"What doesn't involve you?" Cole asked now fully invested. "Jay was looking for his parents and at his adoption papers," Nya answered. Jay's face went white. "Jays adopted?" The ninja ask in unison. Nyas face dropped. Had Jay not told them? "I'm gonna go," Jay said now tone-less. He left the room leaving his friends concerned.
Nya followed him out the monastery. "Jay," she called. The ninja were listening in.
Wu walked up to the the eavesdropping ninja. Kia gave him the down low on the situation. "They never fight," Wu said listening in too.
"Jay, I'm sorry," Nya apologized. "It's fine," Jay said huffed. "Please just talk to me! We're supposed to talk to each other about everything. No more secrets remember?" Jay turned to look at her. "Yeah no secrets except for when I tell you things like how I want to find my parents you want me to be great full for the family I have," Jay said. "You hear yourself right?" "That came out bad. I just want answers. You have your Mom. You know about her life. I just want the same," Jay confessed.
"Jay you have to tell me this," Nya stated. "I'm sorry I haven't been someone you felt comfortable talking to," she said sadly. Seeing Nya like this hurt Jays heart. He didn't want to upset her. "I should have told you I'm sorry," Jay apologized. "Even?" Nya smiled. "I'm not yet," Jay laughed. "What?" Nya asked. "You told one of my secrets," Jay smirked. Nyas eyes opened wide. "Oh for the fsm," she groaned. The ninja now crowded outside. "Oh this is gonna be good," Kia laughed evilly. "I'm just kidding. You didn't mean to besides it would've come out one way or another," Jay smiled. The ninja booed but Wu was proud of Jay for his maturity and Nyas too.
Nya and Jay retreated to his room. "Need help?" Nya asked holding a paper from the box. "I was thinking why waste time on that's now when I can spend time with the family who is there for me. Like you," he said giving his girlfriend a kiss. The rest of the day they cuddled and watched bad romcom movies well Nya did Jay mostly stared at her beauty. They both agreed their fight was probably good that holding in their feelings would eventually blow up in their faces.

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