chapter 18

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It's been a while


To say Louis didn't get any sleep that night was an understatement. Louis lay awake all through the night curled up with the blue banana between his fingers.

Louis didn't mind he wanted to be up for harry. Kitchen staff go down to work earlier meaning harry gets up at 4. The sound of the guard's keys makes Louis wait by the cell door. Looking out the bars hearing the guard open the doors.

Louis waits until he hears the familiar footsteps down the hallway as more go down to make breakfast. Louis puts his arms through the bars and smiles at a happy harry coming into his view.

Louis cups Harry's cheek and leans forward through the bars to kiss harry "morning baby boy" Louis whispers "morning daddy" Harry says making Louis instantly start growing hard "oh baby when I get my hands on you again" Louis says pulling harry in for another kiss "I have to go" harry mumbles into the kiss making Louis sigh

"Change your shift. Sit with me at lunch" Louis says and harry nods slightly "okay" Louis smiles "good boy now go make daddy some delicious food" harry gives Louis a quick goodbye kiss and wanders off down the hall.

Louis sighs resting his head against the bars when the guard walks past "I had a word with one of the councillors last night and she said that harry can move into a cell with you given your marriage" Louis's eyes have creases at the side as he smiles "seriously?" Michael nods "yeah" Louis could scream for joy "when?" Louis says trying to bite back the promenade smile on his features "he can move In whenever Paul is going to be moved into Harry's old cell"

Louis thanks the guard he learned his name was Michael and waits until it was time to go for breakfast. He can't wait to have his boy with him again. Louis debated asking if harry wanted to move jobs but he knows that that's too much to ask and harry is very safe in the kitchen.

Louis has the itching feeling to be with harry every second. He just wants to protect harry with everything he has Louis was bouncing off the walls waiting for the guard to open the doors. Louis instantly sprints out of the cell running down the cantine.

Louis makes his way to get some tea first as usual and places it on his plate. Skimming along the food selection his only thought in his mind was his husband and soon enough the Prince-haired but was there.

"Hey, tiny" Richard says Harry's head instantly turns to see Louis and leaves his station "Hey," louis says quickly before turning to harry "you going to sit with me for breakfast baby?" Harry nods untieing his apron.

Richard frowns stopping then "you can't change your shift harry that means you'll have to rotate everyone's shifts meaning I'll be on a different one from you" harry stops looking to Louis who sighs "and lou you don't want to start any more beef with Andrew"

Louis's fists clench at the reminder of the man who made his first day he'll. "No. I. Don't" Louis spits out and walks away. Harry frowns and turns back to Richard "just get back to work harry" he nods going back to his station.

Louis's mood is already on thin ice he forcefully puts his breakfast on his plate and tries before taking it to his empty table. He straps the potato with his fork forcefully watching as it cuts through the skin into the insides.

All he wanted was harry to sit with him. Why does it have to cause such a big issue? Stuck in his thoughts he didn't realize the table is filled.

One after another the table was filled with four people. Paul, Ian and Tony's look looks up to see all eyes on him "trouble in paradise" Ian mocks. Louis only snorts stabbing the potato once again "piss off" Louis mumbles "oh so there is a problem with the wife" Louis looks up to Tony and Ian "no he's fine. We're fine. Just shut the fuck up about him yeah!" The two men only smirk

"Leave him be you two" Louis internally thanks Paul and continues eating his food. looking up he watches through the dinner queue of people as harry runs around the kitchen.

- - - -

Walking into the house I smile as the sweet smell of cakes enters my nose. Following the scent, through to the kitchen, I lean in the doorway with a smirk seeing my haxza with Tammy on his hip as he decorates the cakes.

I look to the table with a adoring smile seeing her twin brother Noah placing little stars on top of the finished cupcakes.

Looking back at Harry I walk out the doorway and harry spots me with a big smile. His hair was tied up in a messy bun his face covered in flour making him take even cuter. Tammy in his arms looks at me with a big smile stretching her arms to me "daddy!!" She squeals making Noah looks up and run to me as harry passes tammy to me.

"Looks like you've had fun today hey you two" I smile kissing Tammy's cheek and ruffling Noah's hair as he hugs my hips "yeah! Daddy helped us ma-"

- - - -

" LOUIS SNAP OUT OF IT!" instantly Louis looks around the table after being taken out of his daydream "remember 4 :40 meet in rech yard and bring your boy" Louis nods taking a sip of his now cold tea.

Louis nods before turning to Paul "oh and by the way your moving cells"


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