chapter 17

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Protective husband


After the 9:00 body count again, harry found out he had a new cellmate already. His name was Stephen, harry quite liked him. he was about the same age as him so they got along quite well.

Harry tried to get him to stop talking but the boy wouldn't. He was itching to get into Louis's arms but this new cellmate just wouldn't shut up. Before Harry knew it an hour had passed of him being stuck with Stephen. Harry started to lose hope.

But the second harry got the chance, he sprinted straight to Louis's cell wasting no time and jumping onto his husband who is laying on his bed. Only to be greeted with an umph and a "took you long enough" harry rolls his eyes "Stephen wouldn't shut up" harry says his body straddling Louis's lap. Louis's hands on his waist rubbing circles on his hip.

Louis pipes up at the new name his jealousy seeping in slightly "who's Stephen?" Harry sighs dramatically fixing his head on Louis's chest "my new cellmate. He's nice he just won't stop talking" Louis chuckles rubbing Harry back only hoping this Stephen guy doesn't take his harry away from him

"Where's Paul... I want to say that's his name" Harry says uncertain "kicked him out hours ago, I wanted to be alone with my baby but I was only by myself" harry sits up a little with a pout leaning over Louis "I'm sorry daddy" Harry says kissing Louis lips "how can I make it better?" Harry says making Louis lift an eyebrow.

"Oh, I think you know how princess," Louis says cupping Harry's ass cheeks. Harry moans out as Louis grinds harry against him. Louis connects their lips as they get heated. both panting for breath as they start trying to remove each other's clothes.

"Wait baby shouldn't we talk about-" harry shushes Louis by kissing him, groaning as Louis's tongue piercing enters his mouth again "no talking daddy, not yet" Louis smirks as Harry's chest becomes open for Louis wandering eyes as he sees his love bites scattered across Harry's body from there recent antics

Flipping them over Louis attacks Harry's chest with kisses as harry already has Louis's jumpsuit to his ankles. Harry moans from both the friction and Louis's tongue piercing going across his body "I think you forgot who gives orders here baby"

The moment was rudely intruded on by Paul who stepped into the room. Stopping in his tracks, Paul takes a breath before throwing a disgusted look in Louis's direction "you can't keep it in your pants for two seconds" Paul says like harry wasn't even there " I thought I told you to piss off" Louis says giving Harry's nipple a link making harry let out an embarrassing moan in front of a man he doesn't know

"you think I wanna be in here when you're about to fuck him to death? It's nearly 11 so lights out remember?" Louis sighs and sits up putting back on his jumpsuit. His boner was instantly noticed by Harry's eyes which Louis catches "zip up your suit baby what's mine is on show" Louis says pointing to Harry's exposed chest. harry instantly zips up his jumpsuit and Louis turns to Paul "can't you just piss off to another cell for the night? Go to Harry, he's got a new cellmate you can fuck"

Paul scoffs "maybe I will" Louis smirks and watches as Paul leaves the room only to be pushed back in by an entering security guard "Tomlinson back to your cell" Louis turns to look to the security guard as harry starts getting off the bed

"No, harry you're staying right here. Get back on that bed right now" Louis says as harry tries to walk to the door. "Louis I can't," harry says and louis grabs him by the wrist "that wasn't an option Harrold," Louis says looking at harry with a serious face. Harry was completely frozen. uncertain if he should follow Louis's orders or the guards

"NOW HARRY!" Harry instantly runs to the bed taking a seat. The security guard not amused "you like going against authority. huh, Louis" Louis rolls his eyes "he's mine. He's not staying in a cell with that new roommate of his. He could start touching up my boy. That's not happening. Harry is staying here where I know he's safe"

Harry looks at his hands fiddling with his un-ringed fingers. They made harry take off all of his rings. Harry's hands feel empty without them, Especially his piece ring. "He is perfectly safe in his cell louis" Louis only shakes his head looking towards harry before moving towards the guard.

"You can think he's safe in his cell, but he is not. You may think you know what happens in these walls but you don't. Unspeakable things happen to people and some deserve it... But harry. He doesn't deserve any of this, He shouldn't be in here. He will only be safe if he's by my side. And you're going to have to go through me if you want him"

Harry looks up at Louis shocked. He's changed so much since he's been in jail. He has this protectiveness over harry that harry can't understand where it came from. But he's not complaining. As much as he loves being more dominant. Louis being dominant is so hot to harry. He feels so safe with Louis and he wouldn't change it for the world.

Harry couldn't stop himself from hopping off the bed and running to Louis hugging into his body from behind. Louis falls forward a bit at the force and smiles turning around in Harry's arms and hugging harry "Louis I understand what your saying but I can't allow this and I don't have time so please Mr Tomlinson come with me"

Harry sighs and Louis watches as harry wiggles out of his arms "how do we change Harry's cell?" Louis asks through the bars as the door closes with a lock. Louis's eyes don't leave Harry as he speaks "you'll have to appeal to the councillors" Louis looks to harry

Louis can see from Harry's stance that he's uncomfortable. Louis just wants to take harry and keep him from the rest of the world "it's just for tonight baby okay?" Harry nods and Louis smiles sadly "go ill be waiting" harry nods and the guard takes harry down to his cell

Moving back to his bed louis lies down Turning to his side he smiles seeing the blue bandana laying by his side. Louis takes it running it between his fingers.

"You better not let this boy of yours distract you" Louis frowns but doesn't make a move "harry isn't a distraction Paul" Paul scoffs "he may not be but he is a problem. We planned for 5 of us to get out not 6 now that harry wants to join we have to add him in on the plan" Louis turns to Paul "you do not worry about harry, I do. He is mine and mine only. You do not control him in anyway shape or form" Louis says sitting up Paul lifts an eyebrow

"Oh tiny but you're forgetting something. I own you in here so indirectly harry is already mine. Plus I am the leader he does want I say when I say it. As for you, I got you in this gang I can get you out just as quick" Louis scoffs "the only reason why you got me was because I'm small. I'm the best thing you got for getting out. I'm the best fighter, the best stealer and the best sneaker. if you kick me it's bye-bye to you getting out" Louis says back

Paul looks to Louis with a smirk "well-played boy. I did teach you well" Louis rolls his eyes "sure you did," Louis says rolling his eyes "I will teach haz about defence and fighting and you can worry about the plan," Louis says Paul only laughs, "sure you will" Louis sighs turning over not having the energy to argue with the man

"Oh and Louis were tating harry tomorrow"


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