chapter 8

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A phone call was what harry woke up to with a groan. Reaching over he placed it to his ear, answering with his deep morning voice "hello?"

No one replies. Harry frowns about to turn it off before he hears a breath "hello?" Harry says again freaked out a bit before he hears the voice of an angel "haz?" Harry could cry "lou!" Harry sits up immediately

"oh my god. Fuck. I miss you so much, you haven't called. And I got a new phone. How did you get this number? That doesn't matter really, god I miss you and I love you and-" harry stops his rambling when he hears Louis sobs through the phone.

"Babe are you okay?" Harry asks concerned only receiving sniffs from the other end "you didn't turn up haz" A ringing in his ears makes it all come to reality. His dream. Louis must have been so upset-

"Baby I'm so so sorry. But something came up. and it's my only way of helping to get out and I just fuck-" harry hears a sigh "baby you can't get me out. It's impossible" harry shakes his head "no I'm going to find a way. Liam-"

Harry gets interrupted "Liam!? You talked to Liam? Where the fuck is he. I swear to god. don't go anywhere near him, love he's dangerous" harry shakes his head "I have to lou he told me he can get you out," Harry says biting his lip

"Baby he can't.hes just use you. Please don't do a thing he says" harry shakes his head "it's my only hope lou. I miss you so fucking much. Your hugs your voice, your loud obnoxious morning yawns. Just everything I miss you" harry says tearing up

"I know. I know I miss you too Baby. So fucking much." Harry listens as Louis slowly starts to sing.

"I always said that I'd mess up eventually. I told you that so what did you expect from me it shouldn't come, as no surprise anymore"

harry tears up listening to Louis's whispered lyrics "I know you said that you'd give me another chance. But you and I know the truth of it I'm advanced that mentally you were already out the door" Louis let out a shaky breath "I never thought that prison life could be so hard. God I miss you and your addictive heart" Harry couldn't stop a small chuckle left his lips and neither could Louis.

"Join in love" Louis whispers

"You're the habit that I can't break, You're the feeling I can't put down, You're the shiver that I can't shake, You're the habit that I can't break, You're the high that I need right now, You're the habit that I can't break" they both sing perfectly together

"I took some time 'cause I've run out of energy
Of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be. But honestly, I don't have to choose anymore" Louis sings harry smiles through the phone before screaming

"And it's been ages, different stages
Come so far from Princess Park" Louis couldn't believe it but laughed so loud interrupting their precious moment. harry starts laughing too into the bedsheets

"Well, I'd say you made a point" Louis chuckles through the phone. Harry smiles "I had to give it a go" harry chuckles making Louis laugh

"Do you still miss me?" Louis asks harry and he nods even though Louis can't see him. "You just nodded didn't you," Louis says through the phone making Louis blush "maybe," Harry says and Louis laughs.

"I have to go, baby. I love you so fucking much and also please show up to the next one. It's on Friday" harry bites his cheek "I promise" harry says

"Goodbye my beautiful habit that I can't break" harry smiles "goodbye my sweet creature"


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