chapter 13

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That's prison life


For harry making lunch went better than dinner. Richard told him more about Louis and how he's been during the time that he's been here. To say harry is shocked is an understatement.

When Louis's team came down from the workroom Richard told harry to go put out the utensils following with the plan thouruly. Successfully slipping a knife into his sleeve harry then goes back to the kitchen and Richard helps him hide from Louis as he comes along the line.

Louis kept his eyes open searching for the man who looked like his husband. "How's the kid?" Louis asks Richard who nods his head "getting there" Louis nods and moves on taking a seat in his spot once again.

At 1: 00 they headed back to work. Both boys headed back to work. Regretting agreeing to kill Ron for Richard harry pulls at his hair as he sits down to ear once again.

"So do you want to join the gang?" Harry nods slowly and Richard smiles "ill take you down to the tattoo shop later then" Harry's eyes widen "we have a gang meeting about 5:00 in the reck yard, you should come" Harry's eyes widen "bu-but lou" Richard nods "yeah you could tell lou then"

Harry curses to himself and starts doing the dishes along with the other inmate who works in the kitchen. Harry bi passes the other men as he gets sucjed into his train of thought. How is Louis going to react? What does he say? Is Louis even the same?

The more harry thought about it the quicker his first day went. He arrived last night. Around 10: 00 when they were doing lockdown. Harry didn't move from his cell until the lights out. Not by choice.

The second the inspection was done Ron pulled harry to his bed. Harry doesn't want to think about what happened that night. Or the fact his ribs are still in eminence pain. He was going to go down to medical but he doesn't know how or when and he's not going to ask Ron.

But that's when he hears the intercom"all prisoners to cells 4 pm check" Harry's eyes widen instantly as he's being dragged out of the room and makes his way to his level. The knife still up his sleeve Harry's breathing hitches as he makes his way to his cell.

Ron already standing there with a proud smirk waiting for him "Hello whore" harry doesn't reply he only enters and sits on his bed "you giving me the silent treatment pretty boy" harry tried his best to ignore the man but a harsh slap went across his face making harry scream.

He was not expecting that "your such a pussy. How are you even alive? You shouldn't have even lasted a minute with your delicate features" harry feels a low growl want to emerge but he holds it back as Ron grabs him by the neck "let's have some fun whore. We've got about 5 minutes"

Harry gasps as Ron grabs his neck tighter and forces harry down the bed. Harry tries shoving the man off him to no avail. He only gets punched in return "STOP FIGHTING IT SLUT!" harry builds tears in his eyes as the man starts to undo his orange jumpsuit. Harry was panicking not only about the situation but also about Ron seeing the knife. Harry's eyes widen until he hears a knock on the cell door.

"WHAT!!" Ron screams at the officers "cell check" Ron grumbles under his breath and move's off harry who gets off the bed. Exiting the cell he sees other people standing in rows outside their cells one by one as officers count them.

Harry's stance soon gets interior as he feels his head spinning with thoughts about what just happened. The officers walk out glancing at the two saying a small clear. Harry takes a breath glad they weren't searching bodies.

The officers move into the next cell and he has as he sees to his left, an officer dragging a body out of the cell next stoor. Harry's eyes widen as he sees the body. Looking away he looks down to his feet

He needs to tell louis that he's here. He can't do this on his own.


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