An awkward chuckle was heard as Sugawara pulled at the collar of his shirt.


You hummed while you thought through,
"Hmmm, maybe I would, but it's unlikely. I'd probably just pretend to forgive them,"

About a billion thoughts were running through his head, all of which were interrupted when he saw you leaving.

"Anyways, I've got to go. Shoyo wanted to go drinking with me,"


Bundles of coughs could be heard, as the shocking flavor and feeling of your beer caused it to go down the wrong pipe.

You put your can of beer down on the table,
"Also when you said you wanted to go drinking, this wasn't really what I expected,"

Instead of going to a bar or tavern, you and Shoyo ended up just sitting in your couch with cans of beer.

He shrugged, and with a nervous chuckle, he downed another can of beer.

You took out a notepad, and wrote a note to yourself.

'Note to self: do not go drinking with these people'

You ended up drinking water the whole time, while Hinata proceeded to get more and more drunk.

Then, the unthinkable happened. Just as you were about to get up, you felt a pair of lips connect with yours. The connection lasted for a few moments before the orange haired man pulled away, a mischievous look on his face.

"I've always wanted to do that,"

You felt your mind and heart explode, feeling like lava was rising to your cheeks.


While Hinata was still giggling from the kiss, you had to think about what it meant.

'He's just drunk! He probably didn't mean to!'


'Maybe he thought you were someone else?'

You felt a kiss come in contact with your cheek, and noticed that somehow he had found his way onto your lap.



What made this whole situation more awkward was that you barely knew him! Your memories of him got zapped away, and now here he is, sitting on your lap, kissing you.

You had to admit, you did find him attractive, but it still felt wrong somehow.

Then you thought of a solution. Maybe, just maybe, if you got drunk enough, you'd forget all of the events that had just transpired.

You grabbed your can of beer, and started to chug it down, ignoring the way it burned, and the acrid taste.

When you awoke, you found yourself in your bed, still wearing your outside clothes. When you sat up, a piercing headache hit you like a truck, almost making you want to sit back down.

But you pushed through, making your way to your medicine cabinet before downing some pain-killers.

When you got to your living room, you found Hinata sprawled across the floor, snoring loudly.

Flashes of the night before played in your mind, and an overwhelming sense of embarrassment flooded your system as you remembered what he did to you before you got drunk. But the flashes didn't stop, and you kept remembering. You saw memories that didn't seem to belong to you, yet they seemed to be so familiar.

When they finally ended, you gasped.


And then a frown made it's way across your face,


If you thought it was awkward before, that would be nothing compared to how you felt now. Somehow, having some of the memories of your time with Hinata in highschool made the whole situation even WORSE for you.

'Maybe I can just pretend it never happened!'

The orange-haired boy's eyes fluttered opened before immediately shutting from the splitting headache.

"Morning, (f/n)..."

"Good morning Shoyo! Do you remember anything from last night?"

He rubbed his head, hoping that it'd soothe his headache,
"No? Did I do something weird while I got drunk? Sorry if I did! Could you hand me some painkillers?"

His request was fulfilled, and after a while, the two of you were able to sit down together.

"So, did I do anything?"

In that moment you decided that it would be better to keep what happened a secret, you didn't want things to be weird between the two of you.

"No! Nothing that I can remember,"

He sighed while sinking into the couch,

This made you start to wonder if he might have remembered what he had done the night before, but you decided to not get too paranoid. If he did remember, he'd tell you eventually.

A stack of books was placed in front of you.

"I remember you saying you liked these manga series, so maybe reading them will jog your memory?"

You took a book off the top of the stack,
"Thanks Korai! I'll start reading them now,"

///a few days later///

The ringing of your doorbell could be heard, and you decided to go answer it, hoping it wasn't a murderer.

When you opened it, you found a black-haired male with tired eyes and a smile.

"Oh my god! YOU'RE UDAI TENMA!"



Idk why I ended it like this

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