Sprig V.S. Hop pop

Start from the beginning

As the frogs were in the water yn was reading a new book and Anne was tanning, Anne suddenly sat up.
"Is anyone else, like, starving?"
"Dinner, great suggestion!" Sprig said popping out of the water.

"Huh, no food in here either." Anne said looking at a sad empty cabinet.
"Huh, guess todays the day hop pop goes to the grocery store."
"What are we gonna to? I am getting hangry!" Anne grunted.
"Calm down, the human body can survive weeks without food, you're fine for a couple more hours" yn said her head still in her book.
Sprig suddenly ran out and ran back in with a pile of weird turnip things.
"Well, you won't have to wait anymore, fresh from mother natures garden of delights. Dig in, everyone!"
Suddenly a big ugly bug popped out of the pile. The kids screamed and yn quickly put a bucket over it and sat on it.
"Whoops, didn't check for pests.." sprig said regretfully.
"I'm beginning to think there's a few things we don't know about running a farm." Anne admitted.
"We've got some kinks to work out, sure. But isn't it better to live in a place where you're listened to?" Sprig asked.
"I guess so"
"Yeah, it is"

The following morning sprig was snoring in hop pops bed when Anne yelled.
"Sprig, we have a situation!"
"Huh? Situation!" Sprig hopped out of bed and saw that bugs were slurping up their freshly dug pool, the clown was being hunted by cowapillars, and the crops were rotting, to make it even better the flag behind them caught fire.

"I've called this meeting today for obvious reasons." Sprig said.
"The farm is ruined"
"We'll have no food and we'll all die!"
"I accidentally left my book outside and one of the cowapillers ate it.." yn sighed sadly.
"Mm-hmm, mm-hmmm, luckily for us, we have the power of great suggestions! And management that listens! So have at it guys. What should we do?"
"Remember there are no bad suggestions." He reminded us.
"Let's done hop pop and put him back in charge." The three said at the same time.
"Hopediah planter was a tyrant!" Sprig yelled.
"A tyrant who knew how to run a farm."
"And more importantly cook."
"And how to take care of his home."
"I will not go back to that life!" Sprig yelled crushing the chalk in his hand. "Don't you like being listened to?!?"
"I don't exactly feel listened to right now.."
"Ditto you're kinda freakin me out bro."
Sprig angrily exhaled, "let's take 15 minutes and start this meeting over. And next time, bring a good suggestion." He said before walking away.
"You thinking what im thinking?"
"Oh yeah."

"There he is! Hop pop!" Polly yelled, they had found hop pop crawling on the ground with bugs in the frog cemetery, kind of creepy if you ask me.
"Dude, we've been looking all over for you!"
"Hello girls, you care to help us scavenge? It's gonna be a long cold winter. More bodies means more warmth for everyone." Hop pop said, having the bugs crawl onto him.
"Uh no, sprig is ruining the farm. You've gotta come back."
"We've been eating nothing but raw potatoes. I'm having digestive strife, hop pop. Digestive strife!"
"Gimme a minute boys," hop pop spoke to his bugs, they crawled off and away from him. Hop pop stood up and sighed, "I've grown since the last time you saw me. How longs it been now?"
"A day and a half."
"I've got me a new life amoung the beetles. They've taught me about community, equality, listening."
"I saw sprig sleeping in your bed" Yn commented.
"He what?!?"

Hop pop jumped into view in front of sprig almost immediately.
"I have returned."
"I don't believe it, backstabbers! Conspiritrators!"sprig yelled pointing at the other kids.
"Sorry dude, we had a good run, big ambitions.."
"But we didn't know what we were doing."
"Guys take it easy, we're literally kids-" Yn said
"We had a beautiful dream, but I guess I'm the only one willing to fight for it."
Hop pop then took a little bell out of his pocket and rung it.
"Sprig planter, I challenge you to a rematch. Winner gets control of the farm, forever!"
"Sprig do you accept this challenge?" Polly asked from the top of hop pops head.
"Please say yes" Anne pleaded through gridded teeth.
"I accept."

The two battled it out, using their tongues this time. Hop pop even was able to guilt sprig into losing on purpose.. but only because hop pop promised to read the suggestions. It was actually pretty dramatic.

The next morning hop pop was back in his usual clothes and the farm was looking better than ever.
Anne was digging a hole when she wiped the sweat off her brow.
"Phew, think we could set up some shade out here hop pop?" Anne asked. Just then a huge mushroom allowed just the perfect amount of shade.
"Great suggestion Anne!"
"Thanks hop pop."
"And over there I kept a small version of your swimmin' hole." Hop pop pointed to a little hole filled with water, a small insect landed on top of it and polly devoured it. The gang laughed and then hop pop continued.
"Oh, and best of all, no more pit of fire." Hop pop said showing the kids the new suggestion barrel. Sprigs eyes welded with tears at the sight.
"Thanks hop pop." He said hugging him.

Later that night hop pop was sitting by the fire, Jeremy then brought him the suggestion letters, "thank you Jeremy!" Hop pop thanked him.
He then slid his glasses on and began throwing suggestions into the fire,
"Hmm, nope. Nope. This one's a maybe."

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