Day 6 - Proof of Life (Law x Reader)

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"[Y/N]-YA!" Law gasped as he rushed to your unconscious side. "Penguin-ya, get the stretcher!"

"Yes, boss!" Penguin ran off to do as ordered, leaving Law alone.

Worry swarmed Law's mind as he checked over your injuries. Each discoloured spot he discover ached his heart. He did his best to stay level-headed but his internal panic of worst-case scenario and flashes of his deceased family made it difficult to keep his poker face.

"I got the stretcher boss!" Penguin reported as he rushed over with Shachi.

"About time." Law activated his powers and shambled you onto the stretcher. "Let's go!"

The two carried you onto the back of the ambulance, Law following close behind. Once inside, Shachi closed the door as Penguin hurried to the driver's seat. Law remained at your side, hooking you up to vitals. Realizing he almost forgot, Law pressed two fingers to the side of your neck.

"She's got a pulse," Law stated as he felt the irregular beat against his fingers. "It's faint though. Shachi-ya, help me stabilize her!"

"Yes, boss!"

Law faced back to you, hoping you could hear his words, "Stay with me, [Y/n]."


Law tapped his foot impatiently, scribbling through the paperwork. He ran on autopilot as he filed the report on your condition, his mind could only bounce with worry. He didn't want to do this, he wanted to stay by your side to make sure you weren't going kick the bucket. Law would've had Penguin do it but since he did your surgery by himself only he could get the report to be accurate.

Once he finished the last of the file, Law practically sprung out of his seat and rushed to the door. However, he knew it'd be irresponsible to run down the hall. Sighing to himself to help him regain his composure, he activated his power and warped himself all the way to your room.

Silence greeted him, only the sound of the monitors was heard as Law walked over to your resting form. A heavyweight crawled onto his shoulders, regret whispered in his ear. He took a seat next to the bed, dragging it closer to you. Sitting down he watched your chest rose and fall. Goosebumps covered his skin as reached his hand out to take yours.

"I...I'm...I'm-I'm sorry, [Y/n]-ya...I-" Law could hardly believe he had difficulty finding his voice. He didn't realize how much his heart ached because the cries of regret in his mind were louder. "I should've... I shouldn't have... let you go... I shouldn't... I should've gone with you, [Y/n]..."

No response was given. Law felt his heart watering his eyes. His stoic mask broke as his now tearful eyes gazed into your closed eyes.

"Pl-... please... please wake up [Y/n]-san."

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