"I need to exercise with you.. but before we do that you need to take a pregnancy test cause last time we started working out you ended up pregnant"

"You ain gone ever let me live that down"

"And won't"

"Well we could've started last year but who was the one that ended up pregnant then?"

I stuck my finger up. "I was having protected sex"

"Plan b is not protected sex"

"Says who?"


I burst out laughing "ouuu you bitch"

"My nephew was probably fighting for his life through all them plan b's, the liquor AND the edible"

"Now the edible was your fault"

"No it wasn't"

"Um. Yes it was. You have it to me under the impression it was a regular brownie"

"Well I thought it was one too"

"And you should've known better knowing emoni and Darius made them"

She thought about it before nodding "true. True. But still. You can't say it wasn't good. You couldn't even taste the weed"

"That's true. But I could probably taste heaven with how high I was afterwards"

"We need to try another one"

"No. You know what we need to do. Go on a girls trip"

"Yeah I'm down for that. But when?"

"That's what we'll have to find out. Cause it'll be us, we can invite Lea, Autumn... emoni"

"Most definitely emoni. Cause let us go on a trip and not invite her. She'll probably be on our ass for the rest of our lives"

"Okayyy. But yeah let's set that up. We just gotta make sure we choose a date for everybody to come"


After a while we ended up at Walmart and went in to get the glue and some snacks. We really were in and out of Walmart quick, however when we got back outside it was getting ghetto just like I thought. About 3 or 4 cars were parked close to the back with a whole lot of people standing around, the headlights on and it looked like two girls were arguing

"You said pull up so you can beat my ass. I'm here so Wassup?" One of the girls, somebody with a bonnet on yelled and I grabbed Trin's arm before nodding in the direction of the drama

"There go our entertainment"

"Come though Walmart with the free entertainment. But we gone watch from the car"

"Tell me about it cause if somebody start shooting.."

We headed over to my car and got inside, started the car, rolling the windows down and watched from there. The two girls continued to argue, acting like they didn't wanna fight

"So you wanna fight or no?" The girl asked again, meanwhile the one with her hoodie on waved her hand like she really didn't wanna fight

"Y'all lame. Boooo" trin instigating ass said while she opened her bag of white cheddar popcorn and reached it over to me. I grabbed a handful and ate it as we both looked out of her window

"Y'all doing too much fuckin talkin" some boy yelled, holding his phone up recording and somebody else agreed

"Forreal. I just put my last $12 in my tank to see a fight. Somebody fighting tonight dammit"

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