Safiya quicker got all dressed up and applied a very light make-up before going to check on her cupcakes.

The cupcakes were looking just like the ones in recipe book.

Finally! I baked a nice cake!

Safiya took each cupcake and placed them on the cooling rack so they could cool down.
While her cupcakes cooled, she grabbed a can whipped cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles and some other toppings.

Immediately the cakes were cool, Safiya didn't hesitate to spray whipped cream on the cupcakes in excess and decorate them with the different toppings she had brought out earlier.

"Safiya's birthday cupcake success!" She couldn't help but say as she admired her hardwork.
Once satisfied, Safiya placed the cupcakes on the center table in the sitting room and went up to see who had woken up.


"Yummm" Hauwa closed her eyes as the moist chocolate cake Safiya made satisfied her taste buds.

Sabih and Noor had already messed up their clothes and faces with the cream and cake.
"You really did do a good job dear." Haya gave Safiya a thumbs up making a smile form at the corner of Safiya's lip.
"Umma you're..." The ringtone of Hauwa's phone interrupted.

"Hello." She answered the call.
It was Yaseer who called.
"Hello is this Mr Gumell's wife?"

Her heartbeat ceased for a second.
She held my breath as she thought of the worst.

No it's not possible. Stop thinking of stupid things Hauwa.

Oh I didn't answer.

"Yes I'm Yaseer's wife. Is there any problem? And please what are you doing with his phone?" Hauwa prayed so hard for him not to say those words.

She would be torn apart if he was to utter those words she was thinking of.

"I just wanted to inform you that Mr Gumell..."Hauwa interuptted him.

"No! Don't say it!" Hauwa yelled as she abruptly jerked up from her position.
There was a millisecond of silence in the room.
Only the ticking of the clock filled up the tensed up silence.

"Mr Gumell is in the hospital as we speak, he collapsed during our meeting."the man took the opportunity of Hauwa's silence to speak.

Hauwa finally left out a heavy sigh of relief after holding her breath for so long without knowing.

Thank You Allah, thank You

"Tell me the hospital he's at and I'll be there at once."Hauwa looked for a piece of paper to jot down the address.

Once the call ended she grabbed her veil and shoes with a few cash and said from a distance "Yaseer's in the hospital. I'll come and get the kids later, InshaAllah." before dashing out of the front door.

Noor and Sabih had to stay with their grandma for the time being.



"He's been going through a lot of stress which is definitely having a negative impact on his health." The doctor explained.

Hauwa listened patiently to all the doctor was saying.
"The reason for him passing out was due to a minor heart attack,"His eyes ogled at Hauwa through his thick lens glasses."He really needs rest. If he could take a break from work, then that would be much more helpful."

Hauwa rolled her eyes ignoring the looks the doctor gave her.
"He wouldn't even listen if I told him to stay home and take time from working."
She leaned her head against the headrest of the chair and closed her eyes.

"You have to find a way to persuade him. It would be better for him and his health. You don't want him to die, do you?"

Hauwa's eyes snapped open and she shot the doctor in front of her a death threat glare while snarling.
It was like her eyes could suck out his soul from his body.

"Ah...I was just saying. No offence."he raised his hand in surrender."

Hauwa lazily got up from the chair and exited the office.
"He'll be allowed to leave soon." Hauwa heard the doctor say faintly as she shut the door.

She needed her own rest too but what could she do?
Her husband needed her.
Her Mother needed her.
And her kids also needed her.

She pulled out her phone and dailled her mother-in-law's number to inform her about what had happened to Yaseer.

Life was really taking a huge toll on her.


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