adventurous princess

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Mila pov

Today after I wake up early. I was drawing pattern on subhi ma's bangles. So colorful. I don't want to sleep any more. So slowly i wiggle himself out from arju papa's hold and move out of the chamber. Why everyone is sleeping when it's time to wake up. Ahhhhh I sighed.

Author: drama queen

Mila: you are not suppose to talk...

Author: ahhhh bye.

I giggled. I was ro...roaming .is that right. I think. I was roaming in this gaint place. I heard a crying sound, hm some one is crying, but why?
Their father also when to sky. It's so sad.

I saw my uttara bhabhi crying. I never gets to talk to her. Maximum of the time she feel dizzy. But why? Panchali kaki said they is a baby in her tummy make her like that. I was thinking how can anyone put it there.
I have to ask arju papa about it.

Mila: bhabhi. why are you crying you are feel dizzy again?

She was looking at me for a long time.

Uttara: can you help me?

I nodded my head.

Uttara : can you wake up sahadev pa for me ? Tell him I am not feeling well.

Mila: I will wake him bhabhi. Does the baby make you feel not well.

Bhabhi chuckled. Why everyone chuckle whenever I ask questions.
They don't know being 5 year old is a tough job.

Uttara: sometime baby makes like that.

Mila: I was a good baby.

I uttered proudly. Bhabhi cared my hair lovingly.

Uttara: then will you teach this baby to be good?

Mila: but i don't know much like kaka yu..yudist.

Then she was laughing. Ahhh I don't understand adults.

Uttara: we think about that later ,first bring your kaka sahadev

I nodded and start my adventure toward kaka sahadevs room. I opened it slightly. He is sleeping decently not like nakul kaka who will spread his hands and legs in four directions. I went inside and after a big struggle I got on the bed. Well I am a adventurous girl.

Mila: kaka dev ....

I tapped his cheeks.

Sahadev pov

I felt a small hands tapping my face. Who is that might be. I stirred in my sleep and found our gudiya sit in my bed.

Sahadev: gudiya what are you doing here? In this early hour? Papa going to get angry.

Mila: but I am angry cause no one await to play with me.

Sahadev: so that's why you came to wake me?

Mila: ahh no.

Sahadev: then what baby?

Mila: uttara bhabhi said baby is making her feel not well.

Ahh what's she is saying. She gets the incoherent words from her kaka bheem. He and his jumble words.

Sahadev: what are saying about bhabhi dear? I couldn't get you .

Mila: you silly even I understand. Baby makes bhabhi to feel not well.

Sahadev: bhabhi is feeling not well.

Mila : ahuh due to the baby.

Uttara might be feel uncomfortable due to her developing state of pregnancy. Well I am one who is appointed  for her Medicare. I have taken this angel into my arms and move towards Uttara's chamber.

Sahadev: Uttara are you fine? What is it make you uncomfortable?

Uttara: pranipat pa. I am having a sharp pain in my lower back.

I let the angel wander into the room. Started to check her.

Sahadev: do you really think that pranipat is needed.

Uttara: your elder pa.

Mila: so I to have to say pranipat to elder. I didn't do with kaka dev and bhabhi. I am sorry. Pranipat.

Me and Uttara chuckled at her words.

Sahadev: pranipat my gudiya. Don't need to apologize.

I completely check her.

Sahadev: the baby is creating a suitable environment to grow. So their will be a change in the body.  It will be gone once it was set.

She nodded.

Sahadev: how did you find her?

Mila: bhabhi didn't , I did when I was in my adventure, I found her crying.

I understand her pain. Guilt was dripping in my heart. I couldn't save our abhimanyu. It's all because of that.

Uttara: don't worry pa It will be fine.

Mila: ha kaka dev, I am going make the baby into good. Even I told bhabhi I don't know much like kaka yudi.  But Bhabhi insist me.

Me and uttara giggled at her words. Uttara placed our angel in her lap and kissed her cheek.
They both start to talk to my grandchild happily. So I moved out the chamber to give them privacy.  They both needs it after everything.

Arjun pov

When I woke up I couldn't find my angel anywhere. But I could hear a giggles. I understand it and decided to play along.

Arjun : omg where is my angel. I couldn't find her anywhere. Even i have made a small bow for her and decided to give it to her. But she is not her maybe I should give to training kids.

Mila: No my small bow .

I laugh at her attics. She came running and clash into me.

Arjun: ahhhh strongest princess, you have clash me down. How strong! You really deserve the bow.
I acted with her.

Subhi came giggling towards us.

Mila : pranipat subhi ma and pranipat arju papa.

Me and subhadra shared a bewildered look. Manners in one night. What happens to my daughter. Subhi blessed her lovingly. I was awe stuck.

Arjun: where did my daughter learned this?

There going the ramble about her sneaky adventure trip. Me and subhi shared a know look. Then
She went to uttaras chamber to make sure, she is fine. Not before mentioning my daughter's increasing adventure trips.
I sighed

Arjun: baby why did you leave earlier in the morning ?

Mila: cause Mila is a adventurous princess duh.

I am going to kill nakul for teaching her sarcasm. I signed again.

Arjun : indeed you are an adventurous princess but not without anyone's supervision.

Mila: but mila is indepdent.

Arjun: independent ok. But you are a small girl now when you are all grow up you will be an independent.

Mila: but I am a big girl.

She moved out of our chamber with a angry pout which the last thing I want from my baby girl.  What can I say like father like daughter.


Hey guys hope you like it
Have a great day
Love ya ❤️

Thank you for your suggestions PRASANTHI1987,SURYAPUTRAKARNAK

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