moving to hastinapur

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Nakul pov

After a long night,having restless sleep. I got up sooner and when to the horse stable. To make sure everything is ready for the journey. That time I found a head peaking out of my bhrata arjun's tent. It turned to be none other than my beautiful princess with beautiful morning eyes. Observing the surroundings, I went there called her.

Nakul: mila darling, why did you wake up early?

She looked at me show me the famous grabby hand. I chuckled lightly and carried my princess. At once she placed her head into my shoulders.

Nakul: wanna sleep again darling?

She nodded no.
My stubborn princess feel sleeply but not want to give in. With a smile, I kissed her hairline. Went to feed the horse.

I was feel my horse satya.

Mila: I want to feed horsey too?

With a chubby arms,she tried take some grass from my hand.

Nakul: you want feed my horsey satya ?

She nodded.
I gave her some of my grass, which she extended to satya. Her hand was so close to satya's, he lick her hand in the process taking it from her.

Mila : ewwww, bad horsey

I laughed at her face and she was pouting. Ahhhhh... cuteness overloaded. Couldn't resist to kiss her cheeks.

Nakul: baby you raised your arm so near to the horsey 's mouth ,so that he lick your hand. Now he is pouting cause you called him bad.

Mila: ohhh sorry horsey. What should I do to make him happy kaka?

Nakul: you can pet him? He would love that.

I showed her how to pet, she followed my moves with much concentration having her tongue outside her mouth. We pet him for some times.

Mila: does he happy now kaka?

Before i could say something , satya nudged his head into mila's cheeks. My darling laughed in his affection.

Nakul: even my horse loves you more.

Mila: but mila loves kaka nahul moreeeeee.

My eyes betrayed me with happy tears. Now I am nudging her with kisses.

Arjun pov

I woke up suddenly, not having the weight of my mila. I look around the surroundings not able to find her. I carefully detached myself from subhadra who sleeping peaceful for sometime now. I cared her face and kissed her forehead. With that I moved out of my tent, to found my enchantress.

I heard the giggles of my mila with nakul shower her with kisses all around her face.
With a smile adoring my face, i went near them.

To escape him, she was trying to jumb into my arms. I carried and gave her a kiss.

Arjun: what you both are doing her?

Mila: we were feeding and peting horsey satya kaka.

Arjun: really did he enjoyed it?

Mila: yes he touched my cheeks with his head.

When she narrates something her whole body moves, like she tapped her cheeks when she mentioned cheeks. Adorable.

Subhadra joined as by asking.

Subhadra: really?

Mila: ha subhi ma

Nakul gave me a look 'like when did this happen' . I assured him that i will tell him after by nodding my head.

Subhadra: why don't you give a kiss to satya ,then I will get you ready for the day.

hastinapur's heart MilaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon