Chapter 41

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Sumellika were trying to digest whatever Avu said. Vaish had tears in eyes.

Abhi: Sumu I am not that bad. I can't even think of cheating on a girl even in my dreams. And she is my best friend. I can't do that to her

Sum: I am really sorry bro. I just bursted out without listening anything. I am extremely sorry. I should have listened to you fully first. Then I should have reacted

Abhi: It's okk. I can understand. Anyone would have reacted the same way

Sum: I am really sorry Vaishu

Vaish: It's okk Sumu. I understand. You were totally right

Avu: Anyways we have a second couple in our group

She said squealing trying to cheer everyone up and lighten the environment. Sid smiled looking at her childishness.

Sum: Oh yesss

Sid and Sum congratulated Abhinavi. Vaish went near Mallika and hugged her.

Vaish: I am sorry Mallika. I am really guilty and embarrassed for what I did. I am sorry yrr. Please forgive me. I can't live without you

She spoke in a low voice which was only audible to Mallika. And others were busy with each other. Mallika slowly hugged her back.

Mallika: Even I can't be much angry from you for long. But you better not repeat it

Vaish: I promise I won't

Mallika: Congrats

Vaish: Thanks

They spent time teasing each other and pulling each other's leg.

Skip 3 months

Everything is going great. Abhinavi and Sumellika have got really close to each other. They keep surprising each other. Going on dates is common in them. They are mostly together. So that leaves Sidneet alone. They choose not to be a third wheel in couples. So they love to spend time with each other. So they are also coming close to each other.

Sidneet are mostly together. Sid always try to make her happy. Her one smile makes his day. They love talking to each other. They share almost their every problem or thoughts with each other.

Sid is sure that he is deeply in love with this girl. But this time he is not suppressing his feelings. Instead he is letting them grow and even trying to get close to her. He doesn't leave a chance to make her feel special.

Even Avu started having feelings for him. She cares a lot for him. Her day is incomplete without talking to him. She loves teasing him and making him smile. She love spending time with him. He is becoming her safe place where she feels she can talk her heart out without any fear. These days she tries to spend more time with Sid as compared to Abhi because she doesn't want to come in between Abhinavi. Though she was falling for Sid she hadn't realized it yet. She was feeling something different and new but beautiful but she was yet to figure out what it is.

Sum always noticed Sidneet. He knew about Sid's feelings very well. He knew his brother is in love. But this time he didn't try to stop him. He was in fact happy for him.

And even Abhi being a possessive best friend always noticed everything about Avu. Even if he used to be with Vaish most of the time, it didn't mean that he was not aware of what is going on in Avu's life. Even if he was in relationship with Vaish now, he still cared for Avu the same way he used to.

He knew that Sid and Avu had feelings for each other. He trusted Sid with his best friend. He was happy for them and himself wished them to end up together. But he wanted Avu to realize it on her own.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

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