Episode 10 S2. The Coastal Venture | 27

658 8 5

Julianne Bailey Routledge

"Psst." JJ got Kie's attention, "How many?"

We were backed up on wall, waiting for everyone to file into the hull. Kie being the closest to the door. She held up a three. As more people filed in, we all tried to keep count. I remember Pope saying that there was sixteen crew members, not including the Cameron's.

As I heard Wheezie, my heart hurt. She didn't know any better, but here she was, dragged into all of this. I did, however, feel slightly less bad because she didn't try to stop the car while he sister was passed out in the backseat.

"What's happening? Where's Rafe?" Wheezie asked. The three of us gave each other the same panicked looks. Rafe was the last thing we needed to worry about right now. Besides, you know, all the other people on this ship.

"That's all of the crew." Kie peered back into the room. I don't know how she knew that, I had lost count at 10 plus Wheezie and Rose.

"Where's Ward?" I asked. "We need Ward."

"We can't wait."

JJ nodded his head and we ran in, slamming the door. Immediately the crew on the other side tried pushing it open, but our body weight and our, dare I say, element of surprise seemed to be enough and while Kie and I held it down, JJ locked it.

"There's another door!" JJ screamed, "There's another door!"

We made it before the crew did, thank god, and locked it before they even had a chance to do anything about it. JJ led us to where he thought the cross was, and he was right.

"Time to jack this loot!" He cheered, jumping off the ladder before helping me and Kie down. "Here she is." He pulled the sheet off it, revealing the cross. Above us, the roof moved over, revealing Pope. We couldn't help but laugh. We had finally done it.

Pope raised his fist, "The time where people do shit to us and we just sit back and take it is over." We cheered as the sun beat down on us and bounced off the cross.

"Let's tie it up."

We tied up in record time and at our thumbs up, Pope rose it into the air.

"All right, bring her in to the middle!"

"That's good!"

JJ was sent flying forward as Pope jerked it too hard, "To far! It's too far, Pope!"

"Sorry! My bad!"

"Your other middle, Pope!"

We were on steady waters again. Not literally, like, I meant that Pope was easing it up and Cleo had appeared again. Once the cross was in position we headed back up to help John B load it onto the lifeboat.

We ran along the side of the boat, making sure that it was clear of Rafe and Ward before turning every corner. They could be anywhere and we had to be prepared. But not only did we not find them, we didn't find Sarah or John B either.

"Guys!" Kie shouted.

A man, who I presumed had to the captain.

"Of course." He pulled out a knife, "There's more of you. Get down on your knees." He tried to demand us.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." JJ ducked as the man swung at him, then turning to swing at us. I ducked while Kie grabbed his arm and JJ took this opportunity to punch him, then shoving him at me, "Hit him, J!"

I grabbed the metal supply door and swung it open, hitting the man successfully.

"Where's John B?"

"John B!"

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