Episode 6 S2. My Druthers | 13

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

"This is a cute little place." I pointed out, staring out the window as we pulled into his mee-maw's neighborhood and up to the old folks home.

We began to climb out, but Pope stopped us, "Hey, actually, I think I'm gonna do this one by myself."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I can handle it. I don't really need you so.." Kie looked taken aback.

JJ whistled, "Oh, we're just all one big happy family today, aren't we?"

We left Pope there and went to the shops, where Kie and Sarah did some bonding. My head still wasn't feeling great so I stayed back with the boys and leaned against JJ.

"Remember when life was simple?"

I scoffed, "No."

John B shrugged, "Yeah, like, seven days ago? I mean, dude, think about it. Ward's still out there, and he's got the gold."

"I know. I know."

I sat up a bit, "And he killed our dad."

"Listen, I know, and we won't let that go. But, I'm worried. It feels like it's either you or him. And you know who else I'm worried about? Sarah."


"I mean, like, it's her dad. You see what I'm saying?"

"She knows what he did. So, what's the deal with this limbrey chick? Pope said she has evidence on tape that could put Ward away, right?"


"But, she did try to kidnap Pope." I pointed out.

"But think about it, all right? If we can get that evidence, it's done. We could put Ward away for good and finally get justice for dad. This can all be over in one shot. I get it, it's dangerous."

"Yeah, well.." JJ smiled, "Good thing your best friend's JJ Maybank. 'Cause I already got a plan."

"Hopefully it's better than springing me out of jail."

I narrowed my eyes, "You tried to Spring him out of jail?"

"Long story, but this is my best yet. Listen."

Okay, JJ's plan was actually pretty solid. The girls came back and Pope was outside when we pulled up.

"So, how'd it go?"

"Shit just got way more personal."

Good. This was good. Everything is going to be just fine.


"I still can't believe that you're related to Denmark Tanny." John said for, like, the hundredth time. It was pretty bad ass. We were back at Heyward's, most of the group sipping on beer while JJ and I had waters. We figured it would be best if I stayed sober for once and JJ was sticking with me.

"Wait, guys. Are we in the presence of a royal?"

JJ gasped after my words, "A king?" He stood up, "We shall crown him. All hail the lord of Tannyhill!"

"All right, everybody relax. Can we relax, please?"

"Relocate the Cat's Ass, question mark?" Sarah suggested.

JJ nodded, "I'm with that."

"How soon can we move in?"

"'Cause I don't have a place to stay."

"Me either. Bunk beds."

"Bunk beds. Cheers to that."

Pope scratched his head, "I just keep thinking about the letter, the one that Limbrey sent. It had the wheat symbol on it. Like, that must mean it has something to do with the Royal Merchant."

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