Episode 8 S2. The Cross | 19

461 8 4

Julianne Bailey Routledge

"Aw, the tide!"

The vibe didn't last. The tide had risen even more now. Enough to where if we tried to drive through it, the Twinkie would probably turn into a submarine.

"How deep is that?"

"I don't know. The roads gone."

"The tide rose a little higher than I thought it would." JJ said, glancing at me.

Throughout the car ride, JJ made countless attempts to touch me or talk to me, but I ignored all of them. I wasn't actually made at him, but I liked to see him squirm. Plus, a little healthy discipline might do him a little good. Ew, that sounded wrong. EW, now I sound like him- making dirty jokes. I need to get my mind out of the gutter. Or stop spending so much time with the boys- Nah.

"Just a little bit."

"Uh, John B, how high are the spark plugs?

"They're good." He replied, "We're fine."

"No, how high are they?"

He leaned out of the window, "Uh, just above the taillight."

Pope did some calculations, "So, that's, what, three feet?"

JJ nodded, "That's three feet.. Yeah."

To be real honest, I had no clue what a spark plug is or what it does.

"The water can't be three feet deep." Kie said.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Not a problem. No, we're good. She'll make it."

"Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts."

JJ tried to put his arm around me one more time, and I leaned to the side, sending him a glare. Just because I wasn't mad at him, doesn't me I forgave him. Okay, well, it did. But he doesn't have to know that.

John B hit the gas and we spun for a second, and I really thought that it wasn't going to go. But, oh, boy, it sure went. And we were taking off through the water. Just as we spun off the path and were nearly chucked out of the car, my emotions flew out the window and I gripped onto JJ for dear life. Dear Hail Mary and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ-

The car stopped and we were all frozen for a solid ten seconds, listening as the car sank further down. I glanced at JJ, clearing my throat and letting go of him. Steering clear from him as we got out of the car. I seemed to have found my emotions now.

"Okay, maybe we can walk from here." Pope suggested. We were knee deep in the water and the tires to the Twinkie were completely submerged.

"What, and leave the Twinkie? The.. the tides coming in." John B said. I felt that. The Twinkie was a staple, a.. a part of the family. We couldn't just leave her.

Sarah sighed, "So, then what are we supposed to do?"

"Not stay here." JJ said.

"I can take my dads truck." Kie said.

My eyebrows turned down, "Kie, are you sure? Your parents-"

"Look, how much worse can it get, you know?"

A lot worse. But I wasn't going to say that.

"We're gonna need something to pull her out with. There's the winch at the Chateau. That's, like, two miles."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Sarah said, agreeing with Kie and JJ.

"Okay, if you're gonna do it, let's go, okay? The tides coming in, she's going underwater."

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